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Thread: Thermal Optics under scrutiny?

  1. #166
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    “Right now the tragedy might well be not shooting enough female”. You’re onto it with that statement.
    Last edited by woods223; 16-09-2024 at 11:47 AM. Reason: Copy and paste didn’t work properly on phone.

  2. #167
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Ngaio, Wellington
    I want to jump right back to the first page where @ojc2 pointed out that Recreational Firearms User Group is consulting regarding firearms legislation changes. Apparently there was a consultation meeting held in Wellington (my home town) on 5 September, the post was dated 7 September.
    So my question is, how do we, the firearms community, get informed on up-coming consultation meetings, before the fact, so that we can attend. Where is there a list of up-coming consultation meetings? Could it, or should it be on this forum?

  3. #168
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Recreational Firearms User Group is a sub-committee of the FSA I think. So groups such as NZDA, NS GAC etc including anti-firearms groups are notified/invited to consult, probably depending on the narrative that FSA is persuing. Up to the groups to spread info to members.

  4. #169
    Join Date
    May 2020
    West Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by woods223 View Post
    Applies to most things in life doesn’t it.
    Potentially any public resource that has no agreement on how to use or share. But most do have such. Our big game hunting resource is the odd one out.

  5. #170
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woods223 View Post
    Recreational Firearms User Group is a sub-committee of the FSA I think. So groups such as NZDA, NS GAC etc including anti-firearms groups are notified/invited to consult, probably depending on the narrative that FSA is persuing. Up to the groups to spread info to members.
    It's a subgroup of the Firearms Community Advisory Forum (FCAF). FCAF is made up of firearms users primarily.

  6. #171
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Shields View Post
    I have been following this thread with interest. This weekend I was working on my concrete steps. Codesign oncrete mixing and stripping boxing provides a lot of time for thinking. So this is my thoughts on thermals.

    I think discussing this topic against a bench mark of "Ethics" might not be the correct measuring stick. I'd been thinking about the use of thermal against the measuring stick of, "The Four P's," Purist, Pragmatist, Provider, Pest Controller.

    To me a Purist hunts with a fully wooded, military, centrefire, bolt action rifle, with V or aperture sights, in military calibres such as 6.5x55 Swedish, 303, 30-06, 8x57 Mauser etc Or perhaps even a black powder musket. I only know one Purist. He goes into the bush with a single shot rifle (no magazine) and only takes four cartridges, one for the deer and three for signalling if he gets into trouble. He has shot way more BIG stags than me and is the best hunter I know, but even he has a telescopic scope.

    A Pragmatist is sensible enough to know that but fitting a telescopic scope (and bipod, and using a range finder) to a more modern sporting rifle, possibly still in a military calibre, will increase the likelihood of putting meat on the table. Pragmatists have embraced telescopic scopes since the beginning of last century and range finders have been common place this century. A Pragmatist is likely to be a Trophy hunter who believe in "fare chase," and who does one or two trips a years year, perhaps after wapiti or thar, or during the roar. They might use spotting scope or binoculars, but draw the line at thermals. These are sports/recreational hunters.

    A Provider's objective is to put meat in the freezer for family, friends, relatives, the community or local charities. Providers will use whatever technology is available to achieve the desired outcome as quickly and efficiently as possible. They are not hunting for trophy animals, but may come across them, and choose whether to harvest them of leave them in the gene pool. They hunt often, daily or weekly, and are looking for quantity of quality and often hunt at night.

    Pest Controllers are getting paid per head (or tail) or per hour, and use whatever and all technology to achieve maximum tallies. Sometimes the meat is utilised, but more often than not is left to rot, which is a shame, but the cost/time of recovering large numbers of animals is prohibitive. If a system could be put in place to recover and process Pest Controller kill, we could feed the while village. Some of us do try to do a bity for charity.

    So those are my thoughts and as each of us head to the back country, the local QEII covenant, the forestry block, or the back of the farm, we will each decide which of "The Four P's," Purist, Pragmatist, Provider, Pest Controller, we represent and take appropriate actions and appropriate equipment.

    With regards to judging one another, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!" And that, sure as hell, will not be me!
    You forgot the fifth group the one that is most likely to stuff it up for the other four. Pricks. Either of the stuff everyone else brigade. Or pedantic pricks who love nothing more than to ram rules down common folks throats to make themselves feel better and/or justify their position or continued employment.
    Tentman, Roarless20 and XR500 like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  7. #172
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Ngaio, Wellington
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    You forgot the fifth group the one that is most likely to stuff it up for the other four. Pricks. Either of the stuff everyone else brigade. Or pedantic pricks who love nothing more than to ram rules down common folks throats to make themselves feel better and/or justify their position or continued employment.
    Sorry for the omission! Bugger!
    Micky Duck likes this.

  8. #173
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Ngaio, Wellington
    @gimp @woods223 @ojc2

    From the Firearms Community Advisory Forum website:

    "FCAF members represent the following groups and organisations.

    Council of Licensed Firearm Owners Inc.
    Dealer Representative
    Department of Conservation
    Federated Farmers of NZ
    Firearms Safety Council of Aotearoa
    Game Animal Council
    Retail Representative
    Handloaders Association
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    Mountain Safety Council
    National Rifle Association of NZ
    New Zealand Antique and Historical Arms Association
    New Zealand Clay Target Association (NZCTA)
    New Zealand Customs Service
    New Zealand Deerstalkers’ Association
    New Zealand Service Rifle Association
    Pistol New Zealand
    Professional Guides Association
    Rural Women of New Zealand
    Target Shooting NZ
    Whakatūpato Representative
    Youth Representative

    Forum meetings will only take place when Police is dealing with specific policy issues relating to the administration of the Arms Act.

    Minutes from Forum meetings will be published on this website. Any recommendations the Forum makes will also be published. As the Forum is a consultative and advisory body, any recommendations will be considered by Police, but they will not be binding."

    So, does that mean if you are not a member of one of these groups, i.e. simply a member of the public or registered firearms owner, the "Public Consultation Meetings" can come and go without the public knowing?

    Which would lead tot he question, is this "Public Consultation?" Or is it closed consultation, with selected interested parties only?

    As registered firearms owner, who is not a member of a group, how do I get to hear about the meetings and can i attend the meetings as a member of the public?

  9. #174
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Shields View Post
    @gimp @woods223 @ojc2

    From the Firearms Community Advisory Forum website:

    "FCAF members represent the following groups and organisations.

    Council of Licensed Firearm Owners Inc.
    Dealer Representative
    Department of Conservation
    Federated Farmers of NZ
    Firearms Safety Council of Aotearoa
    Game Animal Council
    Retail Representative
    Handloaders Association
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    Mountain Safety Council
    National Rifle Association of NZ
    New Zealand Antique and Historical Arms Association
    New Zealand Clay Target Association (NZCTA)
    New Zealand Customs Service
    New Zealand Deerstalkers’ Association
    New Zealand Service Rifle Association
    Pistol New Zealand
    Professional Guides Association
    Rural Women of New Zealand
    Target Shooting NZ
    Whakatūpato Representative
    Youth Representative

    Forum meetings will only take place when Police is dealing with specific policy issues relating to the administration of the Arms Act.

    Minutes from Forum meetings will be published on this website. Any recommendations the Forum makes will also be published. As the Forum is a consultative and advisory body, any recommendations will be considered by Police, but they will not be binding."

    So, does that mean if you are not a member of one of these groups, i.e. simply a member of the public or registered firearms owner, the "Public Consultation Meetings" can come and go without the public knowing?

    Which would lead tot he question, is this "Public Consultation?" Or is it closed consultation, with selected interested parties only?

    As registered firearms owner, who is not a member of a group, how do I get to hear about the meetings and can i attend the meetings as a member of the public?
    Join a group. It's in your best interest. Lobby the group of your choice with your opinions.
    Ross Nolan and whanahuia like this.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
    - Rumi

  10. #175
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Shields View Post
    @gimp @woods223 @ojc2

    From the Firearms Community Advisory Forum website:

    "FCAF members represent the following groups and organisations.

    Council of Licensed Firearm Owners Inc.
    Dealer Representative
    Department of Conservation
    Federated Farmers of NZ
    Firearms Safety Council of Aotearoa
    Game Animal Council
    Retail Representative
    Handloaders Association
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    Mountain Safety Council
    National Rifle Association of NZ
    New Zealand Antique and Historical Arms Association
    New Zealand Clay Target Association (NZCTA)
    New Zealand Customs Service
    New Zealand Deerstalkers’ Association
    New Zealand Service Rifle Association
    Pistol New Zealand
    Professional Guides Association
    Rural Women of New Zealand
    Target Shooting NZ
    Whakatūpato Representative
    Youth Representative

    Forum meetings will only take place when Police is dealing with specific policy issues relating to the administration of the Arms Act.

    Minutes from Forum meetings will be published on this website. Any recommendations the Forum makes will also be published. As the Forum is a consultative and advisory body, any recommendations will be considered by Police, but they will not be binding."

    So, does that mean if you are not a member of one of these groups, i.e. simply a member of the public or registered firearms owner, the "Public Consultation Meetings" can come and go without the public knowing?

    Which would lead tot he question, is this "Public Consultation?" Or is it closed consultation, with selected interested parties only?

    As registered firearms owner, who is not a member of a group, how do I get to hear about the meetings and can i attend the meetings as a member of the public?
    This may come across as a dig but for the record it isn't. The item I see missing from that list is 'Professional Firearms Users Association/Group/Council/Organisation'. Does anything of that nature exist?. Would it be useful if it did?
    Hugh Shields likes this.

  11. #176
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    West of Christchurch
    No it doesn’t, it probably would be helpful but, getting most of the “professionals” to work together would be challenging
    Micky Duck and kbrebs like this.



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