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Thread: They walk amoung us...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    opinions gentlemen are like mouths armpits arseholes and feet -everyone has em and some positively stink.
    Those in ivory towers may not of course be aware of this as they are too immersed in their own deductive powers ,often with selective research to back it up .
    Im often lead to contemplate what happens when one of these theorems rebounds to kick em straight in the sausage and two veg. Im also getting a strong vibe this bloke loves the limelight -perhas hed like to preach his wee gospel at a deerstalkers meeting /range day /COLFO meeting and see what sort of adoration he gets .

    Im profess...ing to an overwhelming desire to see your arse disappearing out of my sight .preferably at very high speed.
    Trout, timattalon and Micky Duck like this.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Christchuch New Zealand
    As pointed out, NZ was warned by Aussie not to force club membership. Aussie did it thinking it would reduce the number of license holders to the level of club membership but what it actually did ws raise club membership to license holder levels...effectively unionising the firearms owners into a larger and more organised opposition.....

    but the rest of the drivel in that article realy only serves to remind us how little these 'acedeamics' really know and as for the term acedeamic....most of their learning and fear seems to be education gained from hollywood movies reinforcd by mistruths from Cahill and co....which is a poor place to be educated...if you can even call it educated...
    outlander and Rn-85 like this.
    Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Lets be fair to the fellow, he is not Alpers.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    The link points to a fair bit of behavior that would be considered to be someone who isn't going to just accept the status quo, but rather question what is and isn't right and make their own mind up.
    inglishill likes this.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Bol Tackshin View Post
    The link points to a fair bit of behavior that would be considered to be someone who isn't going to just accept the status quo, but rather question what is and isn't right and make their own mind up.
    Gosh, what a great way to discern 'fit and proper'.....
    Bol Tackshin likes this.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Dunedin, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by gundoc View Post
    Perhaps, in the interest of public safety, academics and public servants should be obliged to run their comments (written or otherwise) past a 'common sense approval committee' before publication to avoid widespread misinformation to the public. It seems to work well in the various 'Peoples Democratic Republics' that the academics like so much!
    Common sense is subjective, dude.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Dunedin, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by vulcannz View Post
    The issue with academics is they think they are experts at everything. But would you trust a lawyer for heart surgery, or a heart surgeon for your divorce settlement.

    Show me an 'academic' in NZ that is an experts on all things firearms and I'll show you a unicorn that will give you a lapdance with a happy ending.
    Can you give some examples of academics who think they are experts at everything? Most I've encountered don't seem to think they're experts in anything!

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Dunedin, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    opinions gentlemen are like mouths armpits arseholes and feet -everyone has em and some positively stink.
    Those in ivory towers may not of course be aware of this as they are too immersed in their own deductive powers ,often with selective research to back it up .
    Im often lead to contemplate what happens when one of these theorems rebounds to kick em straight in the sausage and two veg. Im also getting a strong vibe this bloke loves the limelight -perhas hed like to preach his wee gospel at a deerstalkers meeting /range day /COLFO meeting and see what sort of adoration he gets .

    Im profess...ing to an overwhelming desire to see your arse disappearing out of my sight .preferably at very high speed.
    Maybe compulsory club membership would provide shooting and hunting clubs a much needed boost!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Waitati Hunter View Post
    Can you give some examples of academics who think they are experts at everything? Most I've encountered don't seem to think they're experts in anything!
    Gun Control NZ.
    7mmwsm, timattalon and Finnwolf like this.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Waitati Hunter View Post
    Maybe compulsory club membership would provide shooting and hunting clubs a much needed boost!
    so says you who in a prickly fashion seems to know it all .according to research on this from across the tasman the opposite is true . furthermore as an individual in a democratic world its a given i can think for myself and make my own choices ,i don t need the state to tell me how i conduct my hobbies etc .
    actually from your style of prose I suspect youre a product of a tertiary education ?????

  11. #26
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    The first thing compulsory membership of a shooting club would do would be to overload the volunteers who run clubs. Compulsory membership and compulsory attendance are two vastly different things. It may work for PNZ but for other clubs I imagine they're not equipt for vastly differing interests and don't have the resources or ability to cater for everyone. Occasional hunters would find it an imposition that adds nothing to their experience There will be exceptions of course. Tect park springs to mind
    kotuku likes this.

  12. #27
    Member Growlybear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    so says you who in a prickly fashion seems to know it all .according to research on this from across the tasman the opposite is true . furthermore as an individual in a democratic world its a given i can think for myself and make my own choices ,i don t need the state to tell me how i conduct my hobbies etc .
    actually from your style of prose I suspect youre a product of a tertiary education ?????
    As the old saying goes, no amount of schooling can cure stupidity, and a higher education positively reinforces it.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Growlybear View Post
    As the old saying goes, no amount of schooling can cure stupidity, and a higher education positively reinforces it.
    yes siree given the state of the world at present and the calibre of the big players ,i think good man theres more than a modicum of truth in your observation.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Dunedin, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by vulcannz View Post
    Gun Control NZ.
    It appears a number of people make up Gun Control NZ, some academics with relevant expertise, while others could be better described as activists. I don't have any reason to believe any of them claim to be, or behave as if they're experts in everything.

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Waitati Hunter View Post
    Common sense is subjective, dude.
    If you had even the slightest idea of the expertise this member has around firearms you would walk away now in shame....This one member probably knows more about firearms than any of us (yourself included...) I would go so far as say the number of Kiwis that know more than him in this field would be in the dozen or so if not less....

    Quote Originally Posted by Waitati Hunter View Post
    It appears a number of people make up Gun Control NZ, some academics with relevant expertise, while others could be better described as activists. I don't have any reason to believe any of them claim to be, or behave as if they're experts in everything.
    I hate to burst your bubble but acadeamic or not, there is not one member of GCNZ that I have heard make a comment that would imply that any of them have ANY relevant expertise...In fact if any of them had any relevent knowledge they would probably leave GCNZ as they would suddenly become so very aware of their lack of expertise....
    Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......



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