Unexpected gunshots - News - Stuff.co.nz
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Unexpected gunshots - News - Stuff.co.nz
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Good logical answer. Well done doc
Yes good response
Everyone should publicly abuse him and find out where he lives so we can poison his whole family.... thats how this internet thing works when people kill or suggest killing animals espesially inhumanely isnt it? 😂😂😂
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Yeah congratz to that doc man
Ten bucks says the tramper is a Tweet n Twigger
heres a tip for the trampers read the green thing with yellow letters on it
good response DOC...loopy trampers and twigs n twitters can be a pain in the arse but at end of the day we can all enjoy the outdoors together with a little bit of shared consideration.
Nice of them to suggest poisoning. Except for maybe cyanide which is dam quick, most people who have seen an animal poisoned would not ask for that. Ever watched a 1080'd Possum?
Hey I might be a reluctant JAFA but these people sound like City Slickers and yes probably members of twigs and tweets.
wtf is twigs and tweets
Forest and bird.
Forest and bird....staunch supporters of 1080
Fucken walkers think and behave like they have more rights over others all the time. I've seen it on a number of occasions and loathe it when I see them turn up where they shouldn't. Even at the bitey end of a rifle range! And then proceed to bollock me for shooting a gun! On a range! Fuck the city dwelling, latte lickin fucks!
"Said she had got a fright from a gunshot as she had not thought hunting was allowed on a public reserve."
C-mon lady really?? Do you even exist. Do all hunters hunt on private land do they *sigh*
Haha doc can't win, don't use poison, there must be a better way. Hunting isn't good enough, use poison
Sent from my workbench
I think we have to admit that the sound if a 223 or larger is a big noise if it's close and you're not expecting it or have no idea when it came from
Sent from my workbench
They won't be trampers at Mt Nimrod anyway, just picnickers!
I have a few of Pickering's books, he's a seasoned tramper/walker. Got me puzzled on this one though. Have met the DOC guy too and he was definitely pro hunting.
This article kind of rubs me up the wrong way.... and not for how people usually go with "trampers overreacting" yada yada....
But Mark Pickering is an incredibly seasoned outdoorsman with extensive outdoor knowledge. This article kinda makes him sound like a whiner, yet only quotes him in a small context. Which to me, having read and own quite a few of his books, makes no sense? It's not like he's some city slicker who just wandered onto the track - he basically lives in the bush.
And given that the article is (as per usual on "stuff") - vague... dunno. Perhaps the hunters in the area really were too close or doing something that was, justifiably, intimidating. Perhaps his quotes are far out of context for sensationalising since "hunting" is the topic of talk at the moment ... This article seems off for me.
But yea, so long as they are being safe and following the arms code - all good. However yes it is wise to report or seek information if certain areas appear unsafe for certain hunters aren't (actually and noticeably) following the rules. Whenever I am in an area where both trampers and hunters can be in same place I do remember that teacher outside her hut, and like everyone else reads how many times hunters still mis-identify targets or fail to check a clear firing zone. Awareness is still for being better safe, than sorry.
Given the guy has written 24 books then agree that is a piss poor performance on his part. Media often blow events out of proportion. Think this guy has shown his true colours
I can understand the other trampers point of view. You would not expect to hear a gunshot in the meat department of the local supermarket so why on a DoC reserve with signs notifying activities. Self righteous twats with their head stuck in the sand hoping the world goes by in perfect harmony
Aly - email or phone the guy and ask what his issue is then enlighten us
Exactly Tussock. Too many folks in the cities don't have enough 'real' things to do and so rely on the media for their experiences, which they take on as their own experiences. The media love 'news' and the more sensational they can make it the better. The result is that the city hermits who's only pseudo experience with anything is the over hyped negative rubbish from the media. This makes them even more paranoid so they become even more of a hermit.
There is nothing like getting into the real world for real experiences and to put the rest of the rubbish into perspective.
A lot of the issues come from man's adaptation to living in large populations. We used to seldom meet other groups and would judge there intents. In large populations like today there are too many encounters so we avoid eye contact. We lose the ability to judge intentions.
Our health and safety systems have a fair bit to do with things too. We have really moved away from risk management to trying for total risk elimination.
The irony is that now even teachers realise the danger of confrontation avoidance and risk elimination in our physical and social development from children. H&S are only implementing those failed policies of the NZ education system. Not only that but they are decades late and regulating for the weakest members might be cloaked as a caring community, but its not. Real care is helping to achieve, not helping to avoid.
Can we just ignore these people though? In a minority do we have that luxury? Emotion might gain headlines, but it doesn't sustain change in the absence of rational thought. (Usually)
Shouldn't we be providing rational response to these sort of attitudes?
Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.
If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned
@Tussock. You're starting to sound a lot like Tyler Durden.
That's a compliment
So when is the first annual forum Wallaby shoot at Mt Nimrod...
I have just read your posts tussock, mulled and chewed it over. And have come to the conclusion that you are unequivocally correct. There have been times in the fair long past where I have suffered anxiety and mild depression. It took the death of a close mate for me to realise that I could not continue along the path I was on.
With a bit of courage I then pushed myself to gain my firearms licence as it is a qualification of character, and to get my arse out into the wilds and get over myself. I then started to realise about the way people live in fear and decided not to be like that anymore. I now live for the tussock hills. I now understand better about self reliance, without fear and judgement from others that have no bearing on my life. Nzers are slowly losing their identity as can do people. I'm not. I feel a lot stronger for being out there in the weather and dirt , bluffs, solitude and learningto like who i am becoming. It isn't an overnight thing, for me its a life lesson on being and liking myself. I wouldn't live in a city for quids now.
I think the points you make are very valid and important.
Who knew that a Tussock could be so deep!. Write a book, I'm in for one!
I've noticed that a few times over the last few years. I've even had a good reasoned argument or two with him. Seems to take a bit of an issue to get him to stick his nose out and post up some of these pearler's but they are well worth hanging around for. Well done @Tussock.
Tussock you are definitely our Forum philosopher/poet (Compliment BTW).
These fools are going to get us all killed
Unfortunately I have a worse prediction "We will be made to conform and eventual adsorbed in to the great swelling mass of humanity who are those fools"
It makes perfect sense that that is the intention.
with 40+yrs lurking about the field of mental health all iI can say is Tussock ,you smacked this fucker right out of the ballpark.the nursing profession is so gunshy re adverse comments from consumers or the pricks at health &disability commision let alone our own professional bodies ,we are even censored on what words we may write for fear they will offend
i have in my library an academic study which shows clients are vastly shortchanged cause of this , but will any fucker listen- nup all too busy covering their arses.I call a spade a spade and thats it. my clients know I'LL go into bat for em without blinking an eye ,but also if they make a dick of me or themselves well a wee conversation will take place!
many of those have ended with "yep youre right" 'sometimes from me!
commonsense ,a most beloved trait ,seems now to be rarer than rockinghorse shit,altho if youc mined it on here youd be richer than Sir Bob Jones by the end of the week!
The biggest problem is that your 100% correct
Kids dont loose anymore and when they get older and loose there whole world collapses
Bullys get away scott free and so do most criminals
So many people just blame someone else, never own up and are never wong
There are no good events in the media anymore only negative and "scary" things
Most people just look at places on google and make no attempt to see or do anything for them selves anymore.
Its like we currently have 5% unemployment rate but how many people are employed but through work effect are dragging the company backwards? How many are truly unemployable.
Then there is all the people who enjoy there life on wellfare and thats a failure in its self.
But of a ramble but goes in the contex
Yes, we should. But contrary to Tussock's view, I'm not sure that the rational response will well up from a hunting forum. While it is quite easy to agree with Tussocks emotional thinking, it doesn't really stand up to scrutiny. Nor will it result in any sort of change. A rant is a rant.
The guy who dislikes hunters, doesn't know how to light a fire and always uses the bridge might just turn out to be the one who saves one of our lives through heart surgery. At that point his lack of empathy for what I love won't matter to me too much, but his love for what he's good at and his different skills to mine certainly will.