"the city dwelling, latte lickin" yep that's me, thanks for that.
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"the city dwelling, latte lickin" yep that's me, thanks for that.
I dont think we can win with such whinners, which is a worry ie ppl these days dont seem to wish to allow others to pursue their pastimes if it effects theirs even if its only in their heads.
wel tahr old chap where in gods name will rational well thought out response come from.????????some young top gun with PhD in oriental anal flora
it sure as christ made little apples wont be MSM they"re too focussed on reporting about some jaffaland 5min wonder b grade celeb flashing her tits or twat and milking that for all its worth .
FCS-the bloody universal media lazyarsed sensationalist ratings driven pricks they are couldnt even get their facts right ,but hey they brought out the primevil urges in the social activists so thats alright OK.
this bloody forum is the only outfit where im seeing a divergencve of opinion coupled with tolerance and respect.
Emotional my arse .thats just another genteel social putdown usually because the responder is made to feel slightly uncomfortable by the style of the opinionated or cant see their own way clear to offer an honest unadorned rebuff -Tussock hit the bastard right on the head the bloody truth of the matter is if you asked half a dozen of these animal acrticist pricks to front up and debate the hunting issue on stage ,they'd all be running to the friggin give a little page to get some mug to fund surgery to give them something resembling a bloody spine go check out the trade me message boards to see the number of those so called experts . Faeces book is 10x worse with all those little self opinionated spotty herberts offering their precious 5bobs worth.
Fuck me rigid -social media manipulation is so rife Ive resorted to asking me old lab x fore his opinion cause at least i know the old bloke is honest!
And before you all get up in arms I have a younger sister &brother who are very high up in NZ TV and the amount of shit &conspiracy theories regarding them and their so called activities I see printed by msm media especially one John Drinnan of granny herald ,Im tempted to walk to auckland and shove enough canada geese down his throat that he'll be shittin feathers and honkin instead of farting until the f cows come home or Labour gives us a decent politician ,but i aint holdin my breath on either
Holy shit kotuku, tell us how you really feel :P
You've piqued my interest a little mate. I spent two years working at the pointy end of the local gold mine here in Alex up until Xmas just been. I didn't know much about geology and such but I did enjoy the work of recovering the gold. Smallish company, big gear and some great guys.the gold was known as 'yellow shit' to us on the ground. On a good average day we would pull about 30 ounces out of the hole.did a lot of maintenance ourselves from snapped belts, pullin down sand pumps to blown hydraulics on the hundy ton cat digger etc. Happy days.
TBH me and a mate ended up at that track looking for some wallabies to shoot and were surprised how many campers and walkers were around, I left because I knew it was just a fucking hazard to hunt even with fully identifying targets.
Having a walking track at the end of this rd is just asking for trouble mainly due to the unbelievably poor access to the Mt Nimrod Doc land, near this rd are multiple access points marked on topo but all turned out to be private farm rds and very heavily locked and monitored, many people must make the same assumption for access.
We even got a call from police the next day to visit the station to explain why we had been spotted at daybreak at the gate 2m behind the sign in the photo loading guns, probably exacerbated by my carrying an AR with 30rnd mag, apparently a huge issue with poaching in the area and farmer had multiple cameras. We doorknocked the area and found a few farmers wanted payment to shoot their wallabies and others told us to move off.
Luckily found a good bugger at the other end of the Nimrod Doc land that let us drive on and hunt his farm for deer as long as we shot every wallaby we saw, he was rewarded with bottles of wine, crays and paua
These media stories almost always say "using a HIGH powered rifle." Inferring the person in question is kind of a dick for over doing it. Only noting it's absence from this article because it kind stuck out. Guess they forgot to exadurate this time...
There's a bloke down the road with some Clydesdale standard breed crosses, looking at getting one myself @Tussock
Well it sounds like you'll need to borrow my lot for that exercise too.
But come up for a cruise, he's got a heap of horses. Unbroken but I'm looking forward to that challenge.
There is a foto in the HB Tramping Club of a trip in the Ureweras and commentary of Phil Janssen's machine which is doing venison recovery which comes over and informs them of what they are doing so as not to frighten them Good pr? or plain common sense. Needless to say the trampers were happy campers with the info.
My workplace is running a photo competition next month. Photos need to show me "doing my bit to clean up the environment". I think I'll take some selfies surrounded by dead feral goats and see how that goes down with the Nancy brigade.
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You know Tussock, some of your wild inaccurate generalisations would fit in quite well with the media 'industry'. If you want to set a better example then maybe you shouldn't follow their pattern, even if it does get you responses on the internet...
Your comments about trampers are about as accurate as saying that hunters are lazy rednecks who only walk half an hour from their shiny 4wd then drunkenly blast at anything that moves in the hope that its a deer, before leaving their empty beer cans and cigarette butts scattered through the bush on the way out.
Trying to create negative stereotypes for other users of the backcountry (like trampers) probably isn't going to help you make a more positive one for hunters - especially when a large number of people are in both groups.
I'm a narcisist, we all are... we are all on the scale... same with any other pscyhological condition. Where about you are on the scale is the telling factor. The only good thing about the real narcissists is that ultimately their lack of empathy for and with other people dooms them to isolation, and their ability to negitively effect others is limited. Any benefit to others of course is also lost.
Being right all the time is a bitch... and ultimately its debilitating. :D
I am a wee bit older than Tussock, the advantage of youth in general is that you are less likely to know what you don't know. That is the conundrum, because it is also a disadvantage. I have found myself less certain as I get older, less arbitrary, and more indecisive. Now that might be hard for some of you to accept, but you don't know just how certain I was earlier in life.... :D
We need convicted people, we need opinionated people (that can reason, not just emote), we need narcissists because they are less polite - just because they are narcissists it doesn't make them wrong...
I have enjoyed reading this thread.... but as with all things, sometimes its a little simplistic. Our world is more complex than we would like it to be most of the time. Its also a lot less of a conspiracy than most imagine. I would consider it a natural progression, given human influence. It may well be due for correction, history would certainly not argue against that idea.
Ideals and conviction are claimed as the preserve of the young, ideas however are almost never original, and tempered with time and reality can become the cynicism or the resignation of experience... That can be a pity as well; energy is important but there is almost nothing new under the sun in the human condition. Some of that can be better learnt from some who have seen more of it.
I think that we have forgotten that whilst plugged into our google search engines.... and while we listen undiscerningly to those that compete for our attention...
Wise words Sidney
Yes Tussock, I do think you are a narcissist. That is not necessarily a bad thing. When there is a large disconnect between the persona you have built up through your posts and actions that are not congruent with that persona, we hit a snag...
So if you are calm you do what feels right... Would right still be right from a narcissist point of view ?
How do you act when you are not calm... ? Probably a much better indicator of a person's true inner compass... :P
Narcissis or what ever personality disorder, I think that we are all on a spectrum to a greater or lesser degree.
Personally Tussock, I think that you write a load of bull shit and disconnected ramble. I read it though, because I am curious about what is really under your cloak. I wonder what the authentic Tussock really thinks.
There would be a risk in this though, revealing the authentic self, because when we do that we risk revealing ourselves as being vulnerable and ordinary human beings.
It's braver to be Clark Kent than it is to be Superman.
I don't 'spose that there is any chance of me talking you into attending theorpy then Tussock? :)
You are correct that I don't have any original ideas, but incorrect that I don't have any controversial ones.
You have recast my comments as an attack on yourself, when they were actually an attack on the shit you talk. I feel as secure about this as I do about there being a disconnect between what you say and what you you actually think.
I don't think that you are full of shit, but I think most of what you say is.
I'm past my period of high activity for the day. I will come back to this.
But save to say, I never said it would not work. My first post here I think was a about a rifle being organised for a young lady which I criticised for being pandering, patronising macho bullshit. I was rounded on for it.
Brilliant. Enjoying this immensely
What was this thread about...??
Dogs, horses, trampers, oil and some other stuff.
thank you, yes, ....
Freud would say it is about projection at this point in the thread. Tussock would tell Freud to stop playing word games
Nah Nah... Tussock I never said I had an indecisive world view, you need to be careful about inserting words seeing as you are so indignant about others assuming....
I have a very decisive world view, I have less decisive opinion about what to blame that perhaps I used to. Something you don't seem afflicted by. I like some of your ideas but being conclusive in the way you express yourself often seems to me to be a step to far.
There is nothing new about prophets of doom, intelligent hermits or withdrawn elitists, none of which I particularly accuse you of. Authenticity is a personal choice, but genuine authenticity is better defined by others. Just sleeping rough to get the softness off doesn't make anybody authentic. Some of the most authentic people I know have almost nothing in common with your version of authenticity with the one exception... empathy, you are correct that pure narcissism requires a total lack of empathy....
Perhaps in your conviction it is easy to miss what is obvious to others, being certain indicates a possible lack of empathy....
But I am intrigued, for someone who doesn't know much about psychology you have a lot to say about it... perhaps you should take your own advice...
I like it when the greenie brigade flip this round and state that x amount of fuel is used to make y amount of plastic, completely ignoring that the fuel is the main product of the process and not expended to make the plastic. They use this false info in order to affect reduction in plastic production in order to save fuel.
Well thought out post - won't re-quote it all.
I wouldn't say we are on a media blackout but my wife and I make no effort to watch the news. We don't really watch channeled TV. Just what we want to watch via downloads or streaming (Netflix).
When we have my parents over they like to watch the news so we put it on. It's honestly the most depressing shit. What a joke. I really think most people are just desensitized to it these days. Go a few weeks without watching the news or reading stuff or others news sites...and then watch the evening news. I think you'll be surprised.
I just don't want to waste my time hearing about the absolute negative dribble that is shown each night. Mums killing their kids, natural disasters and starving. Refugees. Drunk drivers. It's pretty formulaic. Normally all negative with one positive story at the end (person of the week or whatever). All presented by smiling robots.
Give it a go.
Oh my head hurts now! my dog believes I am the centre of the universe and doesn't care what I say do or think, as long as I am good to him, for me, that is enough, I have no care for what people think of me.
I thing the human race is now mostly stupid, and going to become more stupid, especially with the media and all the trendy lefty politically correct new speak, that has replaced common sense in this "new age of enlightenment" I like sitting up on a mountain by myself. I think I might be a narcissistic psychopath after reading all of this thread.
You better get someone to school you up on the butt ugly flag leader has picked for us then. The one that someone else owns the copyright for.
All the left-right crap is a crop of shit. Whatever happened to doing the best for NZ and the kiwis in it??
The old man and I repainted the roof and exterior of our house 3 years ago. Dad cut the coax and threw the UHF aerial off the roof. Haven't had any broadcast TV since. Don't miss it.
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Dog has more often than not scared the pants off tramper's, will quietly sit in the scrub until they are within 6ft than bails / barks the look on their faces is priceless sure I can see a smile on his face. He does similar to me at night when we are quite often walking out after a hunt ducks off in front then appears out of the scrub :-)
The guy moaning puts the oxy in moron!!
The guy moaning has more right to quiet enjoyment of a high use public space, than we have to spoil it for him. Sometimes hunters need to use their heads.