What was this thread about...??
What was this thread about...??
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
Dogs, horses, trampers, oil and some other stuff.
thank you, yes, ....
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
Freud would say it is about projection at this point in the thread. Tussock would tell Freud to stop playing word games
Nah Nah... Tussock I never said I had an indecisive world view, you need to be careful about inserting words seeing as you are so indignant about others assuming....
I have a very decisive world view, I have less decisive opinion about what to blame that perhaps I used to. Something you don't seem afflicted by. I like some of your ideas but being conclusive in the way you express yourself often seems to me to be a step to far.
There is nothing new about prophets of doom, intelligent hermits or withdrawn elitists, none of which I particularly accuse you of. Authenticity is a personal choice, but genuine authenticity is better defined by others. Just sleeping rough to get the softness off doesn't make anybody authentic. Some of the most authentic people I know have almost nothing in common with your version of authenticity with the one exception... empathy, you are correct that pure narcissism requires a total lack of empathy....
Perhaps in your conviction it is easy to miss what is obvious to others, being certain indicates a possible lack of empathy....
But I am intrigued, for someone who doesn't know much about psychology you have a lot to say about it... perhaps you should take your own advice...
I like it when the greenie brigade flip this round and state that x amount of fuel is used to make y amount of plastic, completely ignoring that the fuel is the main product of the process and not expended to make the plastic. They use this false info in order to affect reduction in plastic production in order to save fuel.
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
Well thought out post - won't re-quote it all.
I wouldn't say we are on a media blackout but my wife and I make no effort to watch the news. We don't really watch channeled TV. Just what we want to watch via downloads or streaming (Netflix).
When we have my parents over they like to watch the news so we put it on. It's honestly the most depressing shit. What a joke. I really think most people are just desensitized to it these days. Go a few weeks without watching the news or reading stuff or others news sites...and then watch the evening news. I think you'll be surprised.
I just don't want to waste my time hearing about the absolute negative dribble that is shown each night. Mums killing their kids, natural disasters and starving. Refugees. Drunk drivers. It's pretty formulaic. Normally all negative with one positive story at the end (person of the week or whatever). All presented by smiling robots.
Give it a go.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Oh my head hurts now! my dog believes I am the centre of the universe and doesn't care what I say do or think, as long as I am good to him, for me, that is enough, I have no care for what people think of me.
I thing the human race is now mostly stupid, and going to become more stupid, especially with the media and all the trendy lefty politically correct new speak, that has replaced common sense in this "new age of enlightenment" I like sitting up on a mountain by myself. I think I might be a narcissistic psychopath after reading all of this thread.
You better get someone to school you up on the butt ugly flag leader has picked for us then. The one that someone else owns the copyright for.
All the left-right crap is a crop of shit. Whatever happened to doing the best for NZ and the kiwis in it??
The old man and I repainted the roof and exterior of our house 3 years ago. Dad cut the coax and threw the UHF aerial off the roof. Haven't had any broadcast TV since. Don't miss it.
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Dog has more often than not scared the pants off tramper's, will quietly sit in the scrub until they are within 6ft than bails / barks the look on their faces is priceless sure I can see a smile on his face. He does similar to me at night when we are quite often walking out after a hunt ducks off in front then appears out of the scrub :-)
The guy moaning puts the oxy in moron!!
The guy moaning has more right to quiet enjoyment of a high use public space, than we have to spoil it for him. Sometimes hunters need to use their heads.