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Thread: TV3 & Guncity mistake

  1. #496
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Extract from the minutes of the Firearms Community Advisory Forum meeting held 3 Dec.

    INTERNET FIREARMS SALES A review of ‘online sales’ was started approximately 1 month prior to the media attention created by Heather du Plessis-Allan and her purchase with a mail order form of a firearm without a firearms licence. An audit had also been undertaken of 300 mail order forms (section 43A forms) received by 3 selected retailers. Out of the 300 forms only one had an issue which was subsequently found to be genuine and was caused by poor writing of details. Police has created a simple and effective change by making it a requirement that the signed section 43A form filled out by the purchaser and countersigned by Police must be sent from Police direct to the seller. It was commented by two Forum members that this was a good step forward and good follow-up by Police.
    PERRISCICABA likes this.

  2. #497
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmer View Post
    Extract from the minutes of the Firearms Community Advisory Forum meeting held 3 Dec.

    INTERNET FIREARMS SALES A review of ‘online sales’ was started approximately 1 month prior to the media attention created by Heather du Plessis-Allan and her purchase with a mail order form of a firearm without a firearms licence. An audit had also been undertaken of 300 mail order forms (section 43A forms) received by 3 selected retailers. Out of the 300 forms only one had an issue which was subsequently found to be genuine and was caused by poor writing of details. Police has created a simple and effective change by making it a requirement that the signed section 43A form filled out by the purchaser and countersigned by Police must be sent from Police direct to the seller. It was commented by two Forum members that this was a good step forward and good follow-up by Police.
    Yes Zim and I'll predict that there will be as many different interpretations of this amended system as there are police districts!!!!
    Remember, there was NO loophole in the system that was in use except for the lack of any method of guaranteeing that the police section at the bottom of the mail order form had been completed correctly & authentically( & NOT forged!!!!!!). The uniform use of the Arms Office rubber stamp ( which would be difficult to fraudulently copy)) in ALL police districts would have raised a red flag if it wasn't on the mail order form received by the firearm seller.

    I wasn't aware until I got onto this forum that the use of this stamp was NOT standard operating procedure right throughout the NZ Police. Once again law abiding firearm owners get inconvenienced & have the finger pointed at them because of the inefficiencies of others outside of their personal control!!!!

    People who want a mail order form completed at an Arms Office still need to arrange their work schedule/personal comittments around the possibility of no one being at an Arms Office when they arrive to complete the formalities. It isn't possible to make an appointment with most arms offices and they usually close shop at 4 or 4-30pm weekdays, and if you lived a fair distance away it could involve a lot of k's and a lot of time.

    Several years ago I was given a number of mail order forms which the arms office people very helpfully completed,dated & stamped for me to take away to use at my convenience. That's what I call cooperation but it ain't going to happen under this new system!!!!


  3. #498
    R93 is offline
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    Had a POL67X that was to run out yesterday.
    No one has been manning the police station in town to sign it for the last week.

    Firearm arrived but it needed to be viewed and serial number confirmed. Have a mate that is local police sign it for me.
    He took the form away and I said I have copies all my previous forms for restricted guns in my safe.
    He said that we will no longer be able to keep the forms as record because people have been altering the ones they have to buy other guns. Not sure how, but it isn't surprising.

    Apparently we are our own worst enemy at times.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  4. #499
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    I can see that if you were motivated in such a way you could still easily get around new changes so not much has changed and we still operate under a deterrent based legal system to stop this.
    Just more inconvenient to legally licensed firearms owners.
    Nothing else has changed and neither would anyone wanting to obtain an illegal firearm obtain one this way, apart from struggling journos.
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  5. #500
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    Quote Originally Posted by top gun View Post
    I'm personally hoping that the cops fudge prosecuting them for whatever reasons ( political interference like the Urewera terrorist training camps) or whatever.
    If GC take a private prosecution then you can be sure that their "payback" will result in the whole slimy team of them, from O'Connor to the TV3 bosses, will be named & shamed & either booked into Mt.Eden or fined many zillions of $'s along with huge "costs awarded"!!!!!!

    That's what I've been kneeling beside my bed & praying for each night!!!! Hopefully everyone of you law abiding chaps & chapesses are doing the same.

    The power of group positive thought works, believe me. I've helped a couple of negative karma cases here in Rottenrua lately, VERY satisfying to see arseholes finally get their beans. & I'm not really a vindictive person!!!!
    your dreamin mate cos you fail to realise who,s actually running tv3 now.
    who had the leverage to get cambell gone who,s on the board now and who let them off the owed money??
    Steve123 likes this.

  6. #501
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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  7. #502
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    I wonder how the Charlie and Paris terrorists attacks would be considered for the year 2015 statistics? Ah, yes, I think the numbers will be diluted by the huge influx of migrants France!!!! Thanks to them( multiple degrees of interpretation here!)

  8. #503
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friwi View Post
    I wonder how the Charlie and Paris terrorists attacks would be considered for the year 2015 statistics? Ah, yes, I think the numbers will be diluted by the huge influx of migrants France!!!! Thanks to them( multiple degrees of interpretation here!)
    Yes interesting stuff I was surprised how the UK "dilutes" it's data. Quote: "Their homicide numbers typically “exclude any cases which do not result in conviction, or where the person is not prosecuted on grounds of self defense or otherwise” I wounder if they included the London Bombings where the bombers were dead? Still Murder if you ask me. On the other hand if you want to equate legal gun ownership with Murder you need to drill down into the type and source of the weapon used to kill. If you look at the US statistics half of their Murders are still non-firearm related...

    Yeah it's not surprising:

    Quote: "300 mail order forms (section 43A forms) received by 3 selected retailers. Out of the 300 forms only one had an issue which was subsequently found to be genuine and was caused by poor writing of details."

    So how many mail order firearms that we know of were criminally obtained? Apparently only one purchased by DG/HDA and co

    I think TV3 should be more worried about a rise in criminality and loss of value for life/disrespect for the law and not legitimate firearms ownership.

  9. #504
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    Talked to a guy at H&F about sending firearms between stores as a service to there customers. They now need a copy of the 43a form before they can send, are worried about their liabilities and have been advised this is probably the best way to do it. Some of their stores didn't want to offer the service at all. I think they charge $50 for the service. Prob I had was I purchased a rifle from a guy where we both knew we a legit FAL holders and didn't need a police form, therefore their service couldn't be used. I think they need to look again a their policy and build their business on offering a useful service to their customers. Just my thoughts
    mikee and PERRISCICABA like this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  10. #505
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    If I recall it cost $60. You need to send a copy of the form. They open the package to make sure you are only sending what you claim and you haven't snuck in another gun or a restricted weapon. Last gun I bought I took my own advise and drove to get it. Took me the best part of a Saturday there and back but at least I had it and there was minimal fucking around.

  11. #506
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    Talked to a guy at H&F about sending firearms between stores as a service to there customers. They now need a copy of the 43a form before they can send, are worried about their liabilities and have been advised this is probably the best way to do it. Some of their stores didn't want to offer the service at all. I think they charge $50 for the service. Prob I had was I purchased a rifle from a guy where we both knew we a legit FAL holders and didn't need a police form, therefore their service couldn't be used. I think they need to look again a their policy and build their business on offering a useful service to their customers. Just my thoughts
    I don't think that any transfer of A cat firearms between dealers or from importers/agents requires any police documentation unless the sneaky sods have slipped some more inconvenient red tape under the door while we weren't looking????

    I have often helped customers by couriering firearms to other stores ( including GC in Chr.Ch) for someone to uplift. The info goes into both shop's firearm registers so that the movement is traceable. $50!!!!!! Jeez that's a bit steep!!!!

  12. #507
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    your dreamin mate cos you fail to realise who,s actually running tv3 now.
    who had the leverage to get cambell gone who,s on the board now and who let them off the owed money??
    Please enlighten me as to who these untouchable turkey's are????
    P.S. I'd even be keen to pace a small side bet on what happens ( eventually) to these nice people & who starts the prosecution ball rolling!!!! Any takers????

  13. #508
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    GUEST BLOG: Rex Widerstrom – Thirteen things you (probably) didn’t know about Mark Weldon (CEO of Mediaworks)

    By The Daily Blog / April 10, 2015 / 34 Comments

    Rating: 4.3/5 (39 votes cast)
    TDB recommends Voyager - Unlimited internet @home as fast as you can get
    Is the move to axe Campbell Live motivated by ratings (it’s not advertising revenue, as advertisers strongly support the show) or by something else altogether?

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    1: He’s the man John Key picked to chair the “Summit on Employment” in 2009(1)

    2:He’s also the man John Key picked to lead The Christchurch Earthquake Appeal(2)

    3: He’s also the man who used that position to breach the Bill of Rights Act and force “the advancement of religion” into the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust’s constitution(3)

    4: And he’s the man Cameron Slater (Whaleoil) characterises as “allegedly a friend of John Key”(4)

    5: Slater also asked on October 15 last year “Who will be the first (of many) casualties under Mark “I’m the boss” Weldon at Mediaworks?” with one commenter on that story saying “The man is a tyrant who doesn’t play nicely with others. Frankly, I love the idea of Weldon and John Campbell having to work together …”(5)

    6: he’s also the man whom insiders were picking as a potential National Party candidate for the safe seat of Tamaki(6)

    7: And he’s a man who praised John Key’s program of asset sales announced in 2011 as “bold, it was clear, it was early – and very positive…” and called those who were cautious about it “fearmongering”. That’s the same assets sales program that had to be drastically cut back and became something of an embarrassment to the government(7)

    8: He’s the man who made a substantial personal gain ($6 million) as a result of Key’s asset sales announcement(8)

    9: He’s also the man who, as CEO of the NZX, characterised those who voiced concerns about aspects of the Exchange’s operations as mentally ill(9)

    10: He’s the man who’s already got rid of two of Mediaworks’s main financial watchdogs – chief financial officer Peter Crossan and company secretary and lawyer Claire Bradley(10)

    11: He’s the man of whom blogger Cactus Kate (business lawyer and commentator Cathy Odgers) noted “Mediaworks currently does not employ anyone on your television or radio with a larger ego than Weldon, even Willie Jackson, Sean Plunket and Duncan Garner combined can’t compete” and that “NZX was the greatest reality soap opera in town under Weldon’s leadership, the casting couch of characters was enormous as disgruntled staff left and new bright eyed disciples were employed”(11)

    12: He’s the man Odgers also described (in a blog post now deleted by referenced by another, also right wing, blogger) as a “weasel word corporate-welfared CEO…” and a “shallow self-promoting tool”(12)

    13: He’s the man who said there was no conflict of interest in allowing the NZX to be the provider of NZX services, the supervisor of its members, a listed participant on its own exchange and the market regulator… a statement one broker described as “utter balderdash”(13)

    Weldon was also appointed by Key, or one of his Ministers, the Capital Markets Development Taskforce in 2009/10; the Tax Working Group in 2009; and the Climate Change Leadership Forum in 2007.

    Key gave him a QSO in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

    Now remember that Slater, Odgers and Cresswell are all considered right wingers. They’re certainly not the type of people who’d be found cheering John Campbell’s advocacy journalism on behalf of the less fortunate.

    Generally, you might expect them to be quite supportive of a man with Weldon’s background who’s chaired the NZX and is friends with the Leader of the National Party.

    So, you be the judge… is the move to axe Campbell Live motivated by ratings (it’s not advertising revenue, as advertisers strongly support the show) or by something else altogether?

    - See more at: GUEST BLOG: Rex Widerstrom – Thirteen things you (probably) didn’t know about Mark Weldon (CEO of Mediaworks) « The Daily Blog
    the sacking of one well to do News Producer is equitable to the tactic by Talley’s to starve 5000 children in their 2012 industrial fight.
    The Producer in question is of course is the brilliant John Hale, whom I have an enormous amount of respect for and whom I wish no ill harm to. I respect many of the talented journalists on TV3. Mike McRoberts, Hillary Barry, Paula Penfold, Lisa Owen and Torben Akle do incredible work, but then again they also have Brooke Sabin that awful Tova O’Brien and the homicidal chipmunk on a meth bender, Government script writer, Patrick Gower.
    There are journalists who do great work on TV3, and I mean them no ill will to them or their craft, but the pro National Party agenda of TV3 management means that work is under cut by the knowledge that any journalism that hurts Key too much will get pulled.
    Can anyone honestly watch The Nation any longer and believe it’s not guest edited by Steven Joyce?
    So should the boycott against TV3 end?
    Maybe it won’t matter. Whispers are currently circulating that the American vulture fund that has bought MediaWorks – Oaktree, are quietly manoeuvring to cut off TV3 from the company and flog it off to the highest bidder. The money making part of MediaWorks is their radio advertising (the loss of Campbell to Radio NZ will be a particularly harsh blow), their TV branch is hurting and the meltdown in ratings is hurrying along the desire to sell it off.
    If TV3 management can’t reverse the ratings situation by the end of the year, it will be all over rover.
    - See more at: BREAKING – John Campbell joins RNZ – should the boycott of TV3 end and what is next for TV3? « The Daily Blog
    hopefuly this gives you some idea

  14. #509
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    So why are we feeling the need to pay $50 to ship a firearm through HF when we can pay less at fastway and they will shut the fuck up and just do their job you pay them to do, delivered right to their fucking doorstep.
    mikee likes this.

  15. #510
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jexla View Post
    So why are we feeling the need to pay $50 to ship a firearm through HF when we can pay less at fastway and they will shut the fuck up and just do their job you pay them to do, delivered right to their fucking doorstep.
    Last time I used fastway it was 75 dollars.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.



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