The main reason for bringing up a subject like this is to get opinions and options on how to deal with the situation.
1. If I was within reach I would push the barrel away to a safe direction else move to 2.
2. In a very loud, calm, clear, authoritative voice, so as many in the place can hear including other customers and staff, make it clear that I was uncomfortable having a firearm pointed at me and that both the customer and sales staff must ensure that it never happens again and that they are both responsible for the situation. Basically make them feel very uncomfortable.
3. If I felt the response to the above was inadequate proceed to ask for both their details for a formal complaint to the Police.
Admittedly I am a very quiet person but I have been in similar situations before and made plenty of noise about it. The trick is to be calm and authoritative and not resort to being abusive and antagonistic. The arms officers that vetted both TimeRider and myself said that we must take firm action if required.