That's not the end of your world.
I am pleased for you that it was an easy experience.
The end of the world may be when the - inevitable - leak of registry data occurs and your details and the details of your firearms is given/sold into criminal hands.
For those who think this won't happen remember it has happened with other police databases.
A leak is when not if.
Once you have registered your firearms, do they send you a confirmation of what you have registered?
I have one outstanding, because a single barrel 12 gauge Issac Hollis hammer gun is not on their list. That’s the bit that worries me, I register firearms as close as I could to the list, if it wasn’t exact, they made it fit. I gave up in the end, I registered 25 arms in total.
It seems their list reigns supreme. Most of my rifles became breech loaders, which it sorta ok, but Martini Henry, rat tail, falling block, trapdoor etc actions they had no idea, so breech loaders they are
Boom, cough,cough,cough
To be fair, it's not just the registry that can create an information leak risk that we need to be aware about and be concerned about. A dealer's book being left out could result in the same thing if the wrong people get a look (or a shifty photo) at it. How many people have firearms related stickers on their vehicles or obviously hunting related stuff attached? Used to have a sign in book at one local range that was a standard visitor book that had a section for address in it. I never filled that slot in, but people did. And yes, the book got flogged... Park outside the local range or hunting club, in a vehicle registered to your home address? The main issue with the registry isn't the fact that a leak could occur - it's the scale of it if it does occur that is the risk. Plus the hassle factor of dealing with people that aren't firearms literate when you have things that aren't standard sporting firearms. Painful...
If you registered by phone, You should have got an email explaining how to get your account "validated" so you can see ALL correspondance etc
Yes its a bit of a dick around but if your licence is expiring shortly like me then you have no choice but to "hop on their train" otherwise you cannot keep enjoying your hobby.How to validate your MyFirearms account
Step 1: Log in
Visit MyFirearms and log in with RealMe. You’ll need your mobile phone to carry out the security check.
Visit MyFirearms
Step 2: Go to My Activity
Select the ‘My Activity’ link at the top of that page. This will take you to your My Submission dashboard.
Step 3: Go to MyFirearms Submitted Forms
Select the heading ‘MyFirearms Submitted Forms’. This will show you all the forms you have submitted online.
Step 4: Find your Complete Your Profile form
Under the heading ‘My submitted other forms’ you'll find a link to your Complete Your Profile form. The link will start with the letters ‘CYP’. Select the link.
Step 5: Save and print the PDF
You’ll find a PDF file at the top of the Complete Your Profile 'Submission' page. The file name will be the date you submitted the form. Save it to your device, then print a copy out.
Step 6: Bring the form to a Police station
Bring the printed form in person to a Police station, together with your firearms licence card.
Once your identity has been confirmed, your MyFirearms account will be validated. This may take a few days.
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Thanks @mikee I’ve registered everything, had an email re my single barrel 12 gauge Hollis shotgun, the want photos to ID it. Haven’t responded as yet.
But I’ve had no other correspondence from them, re what I’ve registered. Been a few weeks now, I did try to register on line with realme and started with my details, but it got to difficult.
I’ll ring them, just a pain in the ass, I have to renew in Sept
Boom, cough,cough,cough
What's the deal if both you and someone else on the property both have gun licenses and share a safe and/or firearms.
For example husband/wife, father/son etc.
Is there an expectation all firearms in the house hold get registered?
I can imagine the plod would take the guilty until proven innocent approach should they do a check and find unregistered firearms in your safe.
As long as half are pink it should be fine, they should be able to work out which are the wifes haha.
This has been brought up before, I don't think anyone came up with a concrete answer and the logical assumption is that it will work itself out shortly anyway? Of course, not much is logical in this space!
Geeze some of you are making it hard work.
Give them a call, if you have an unavoidable "activating circumstance" just pick up the phone and call them. Why do battle with their website when you can speak to a real person.
Yes there will be mistakes but thats life and the register will not be going anywhere anytime soon there are too many other things for govts to sort out before this mess.
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Renewing by paper is easiest. Ring and ask them to send the forms to you then drop them at the Police station. Note that older Mac computers won’t save the electronic form - that’s what mucked me up. And registering over the phone was a breeze too.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
All my registered firearms are in there correctly.
I didn't dumb it down for them.
They wanted photos of some of the more obscure.
Then they came back with their own idea of what they would call them.
I spoke to the guy dealing with it and asked him how many of the items in my registration he recognized?
His response equated to about 5% of what I registered he could understand !
I explained to him that the reason I have so many obscure firearms is because I'm somewhat of an expert on them.
He accepted every description after that and also corrected some other calibers in my previous phoned in items that they had entered wrongly because they didn't fit into their boxes
If it's your gun then you know better what it is.
Get it right now and save hassles along the way
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
Is it correct that if you don’t have a triggering event then you have until June 2028 to register ?
For some reason I thought it was June this year .
Can someone clarify this for me please .