If I were to hazard a guess it's an incoming message from the big giant head
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what about the glocks left in so called secure storage in the new plymouth court building>?????and whoops they went walkabout
Hmm IIRC one was recovered from a known drug dealer ,and one IIRC is still walkabout
dem boys in blue in the cold light of day are just as human as as the rest of us firestick owners although theyre entrusted to oversee us
still as they say takes a poacher to catch a poacher.
Unfortunately due to delusions of grandeur a certain police union official may disagree.
Who was it left a trailer full of ARs behind?
Almost laughable
I could react to that comment. But I wont ;)
And I bet that was an e cat magazine. For shame, what a bad bad person. Oh wait, it's cop. All good, carry on as normal, nothing to see here.
"Someone would have to have the gun to fire them. How many guys would have a Bushmaster rifle?" he said.
Lost police bullets and magazine could be anywhere between Napier and Hastings | Stuff.co.nz
This is getting pretty juicy I need to go take a cold shower.
I suggest whichever forum member picked it up just hand it in. They only give officer joe plod 20 rounders anyway.
What sort of projectiles are they using I wonder? Politically correct non toxic, hallow tips, FMJ's, or do they have a guy on a drill press crowning the tips for everyone?
Quick someone turn up with a empty Pmag and try claim the reward.
I have only ever seen pics of them with 20 rounders and old grey 30 rounders. Can you confirm they have 30 bullet ghost banana clips?
Outrage after Fastway courier leaves rifle at wrong address - no signature required | Stuff.co.nz
Wait for Cahill to start singing about this...