Ive mooted that for years in conversations with assorted do gooders and cops -none want to listen some wilfully ignorant .what happened when crusher proposed crushing the fuckers cars -a bloody great whohaa about peoples rights FFS and the silicone polis complied .
FFS theres a guy up before the beak on his 9th DUI recently ..lock him up ...not on your nelly well try the softly softly approach! .young prick full of cum and assorted substances going like a madman kills three people in his car -beak your traumatised enough ..intense supervision " 16months later he repeats the bloody act!!!
if we tried that as FALOs the beak and boys in blue would throw the fucking book at us and we know it . dont forget either theres a section of judiciary who it seems think they can reinterpret law as they see fit despite it being outside their mandate.
Mark N -sound in theory mate but reality is youre pissing into a screaming norwester and i suspect have a very distinct sensation of wet feet!