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Thread: we are up against stupidity

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    New Plymouth
    yes but is that because our jails are full up biggest gang headquarters in NZ

  2. #17
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    So the very beginning of article....it was customs that sized the two guns and cigarettes......customs not police. Let that sink in. Customs controls borders etc. which SUGGESTS the guns were being smuggled into country ,does it not??? Own goal somewhat.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    Isnt it all about stopping criminals getting firearms. What kind of firepower do the aussie gangs etc have....

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Always, always always remember that the antis will use and manipulate statistics to put forward their ideas.
    They are the opposite to us.
    They truly don't like firearms and won't let breath get in the way of getting their voice heard.
    The sad fact is a lot of people believe them.
    They see what happens overseas and think that we are all the same whe we are not
    outlander and Basenjiboy like this.

  5. #20
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Apr 2020
    Whilst what I am about to say will be unpopular, c'est la vie....

    I paraphrase:

    If we own and possess the ability to make fire in our backyards for BBQ's and fire pits and incinerators and such, and people across the land, foolishly burn down houses and sometimes kill people by the indiscriminate use of such:

    Instead of screaming about our "rights" or "privileges" to continue doing so and opposing any moves by society to reign in the damage and injury cause by such use of fire:

    Why don't we come to the party and propose workable and sensible solutions to the problems, instead of bleating loudly on internet forums with all the logic and aforethought of a toddler having his best toy taken away for repair.


    My solution to this is get down the all the meetings that politicians hold and express a polite and well thought out view point.


    the play book that goes:

    "they are lying". "they are evil"
    "what about that person who did something bad?" "leave me alone"
    "remember that guy who was innocent"
    "what about that time that the (insert authority here) didn't prevent a crime before it happened"
    "there're places in the world that are much worse than us"

    is the playbook of dolts

    We'd be better off, if we all tried to work together, not complaining, every time an idea we don't like surfaces.

    This is a democracy and if the changes to laws, are something we don't like, there's a polling booth coming up, just around the corner.

    Lastly - in this world of reality TV, the viewpoints of the Karens and Man-babies in such programmes, is fast becoming the thinking of our younger society.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    Your average car at 100 km/h has more impact energy than a 50BMG...

    Ban cars!
    kotuku and timattalon like this.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by caberslash View Post
    Your average car at 100 km/h has more impact energy than a 50BMG...

    Ban cars!
    Ive mooted that for years in conversations with assorted do gooders and cops -none want to listen some wilfully ignorant .what happened when crusher proposed crushing the fuckers cars -a bloody great whohaa about peoples rights FFS and the silicone polis complied .

    FFS theres a guy up before the beak on his 9th DUI recently ..lock him up ...not on your nelly well try the softly softly approach! .young prick full of cum and assorted substances going like a madman kills three people in his car -beak your traumatised enough ..intense supervision " 16months later he repeats the bloody act!!!

    if we tried that as FALOs the beak and boys in blue would throw the fucking book at us and we know it . dont forget either theres a section of judiciary who it seems think they can reinterpret law as they see fit despite it being outside their mandate.
    Mark N -sound in theory mate but reality is youre pissing into a screaming norwester and i suspect have a very distinct sensation of wet feet!

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    South Waikato
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkN View Post
    Whilst what I am about to say will be unpopular, c'est la vie....

    I paraphrase:

    If we own and possess the ability to make fire in our backyards for BBQ's and fire pits and incinerators and such, and people across the land, foolishly burn down houses and sometimes kill people by the indiscriminate use of such:

    Instead of screaming about our "rights" or "privileges" to continue doing so and opposing any moves by society to reign in the damage and injury cause by such use of fire:

    Why don't we come to the party and propose workable and sensible solutions to the problems, instead of bleating loudly on internet forums with all the logic and aforethought of a toddler having his best toy taken away for repair.


    My solution to this is get down the all the meetings that politicians hold and express a polite and well thought out view point.


    the play book that goes:

    "they are lying". "they are evil"
    "what about that person who did something bad?" "leave me alone"
    "remember that guy who was innocent"
    "what about that time that the (insert authority here) didn't prevent a crime before it happened"
    "there're places in the world that are much worse than us"

    is the playbook of dolts

    We'd be better off, if we all tried to work together, not complaining, every time an idea we don't like surfaces.

    This is a democracy and if the changes to laws, are something we don't like, there's a polling booth coming up, just around the corner.

    Lastly - in this world of reality TV, the viewpoints of the Karens and Man-babies in such programmes, is fast becoming the thinking of our younger society.
    I agree Mark.
    Our best way forward is civilised face to face discussion with our MPs.
    If every politician gets a well thought out view from a legitimate firearm user, they may have a different view when this topic gets discussed in house.
    techno retard and MyName_Jeff like this.
    Overkill is still dead.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    In principle I agree.
    The difference in reality is that some of the party politics suggest firearms are no good. If you get someone relatively young from a city then sympathy and also even a small working knowledge of firearms is extremely low.
    There will be a lot in there that are nudging towards the antis and don't actually want to listen. We shall see.
    Frogfeatures and timattalon like this.

  10. #25
    308 is offline
    Member 308's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkN View Post
    Whilst what I am about to say will be unpopular, c'est la vie....

    I paraphrase:

    If we own and possess the ability to make fire in our backyards for BBQ's and fire pits and incinerators and such, and people across the land, foolishly burn down houses and sometimes kill people by the indiscriminate use of such:

    Instead of screaming about our "rights" or "privileges" to continue doing so and opposing any moves by society to reign in the damage and injury cause by such use of fire:

    Why don't we come to the party and propose workable and sensible solutions to the problems, instead of bleating loudly on internet forums with all the logic and aforethought of a toddler having his best toy taken away for repair.


    My solution to this is get down the all the meetings that politicians hold and express a polite and well thought out view point.


    the play book that goes:

    "they are lying". "they are evil"
    "what about that person who did something bad?" "leave me alone"
    "remember that guy who was innocent"
    "what about that time that the (insert authority here) didn't prevent a crime before it happened"
    "there're places in the world that are much worse than us"

    is the playbook of dolts

    We'd be better off, if we all tried to work together, not complaining, every time an idea we don't like surfaces.

    This is a democracy and if the changes to laws, are something we don't like, there's a polling booth coming up, just around the corner.

    Lastly - in this world of reality TV, the viewpoints of the Karens and Man-babies in such programmes, is fast becoming the thinking of our younger society.
    Closest we have here is COLFO and whatever one thinks of them (I'm a supporter), it would probably be better to put your shoulder to their wheel rather than reinventing ones own

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2025
    Well said @MarkN and @308.

    Can’t help but wonder how these threads show up to them fellers who read it (no doubt it will at some stage) and the optics that comes from some of the comments left.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    To be fair - the people that whinge and bitch the most about guns being dangerous and needing to be banned, are generally the same people who bitch and moan about the state of the public estate and the lack of conservation efforts.

    Those same people don't realise that the work they've done to ban guns means the work they are doing to try to improve forest health and species conservation is going backwards.

    I've had a couple of conversations with a few people that 'hate all things guns' and once you explain the way the system is set up in NZ and correct the bullshit being spouted by a lot of (urban) journalists they come around to the realisation that not all is as they have been led to believe. The problem is the (possibly intentional as my opinion) damage being done to conservation outcomes to justify a business outcome, its just that the resourcing no longer exists to do the job!
    Micky Duck likes this.

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    South Canterbury
    You make the world no safer by taking a firearm from an individual who was never going to use it illegally (or stupidly) in the first place.

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basenjiboy View Post
    You make the world no safer by taking a firearm from an individual who was never going to use it illegally (or stupidly) in the first place.
    You’re making entirely too much sense there mate. Probably should quit before it catches on

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Jafa land
    Quote Originally Posted by blip View Post
    Isnt it all about stopping criminals getting firearms. What kind of firepower do the aussie gangs etc have....
    they have successfully manufactured a Luty SMG and imported Glocks. they are very close to indonesia so I wouldn't be surprised if they have some spicy stuff



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