Regardless of if aspiring /incumbent polis agree with our POV or not its simply not likely to get them reelected or up the party ladder if it be known they agree which to them is the sole focus of their existence and in some cases sole reason for their existence. we are facing a multi pronged attack as I said previously and history shows a singular body facing a mutli axis force will always be at the disadvantage regardless of tactic .
There is a degree of naivety on here ,that is not meant as a detraction.Isee ample evidence of the multi prong anti ie media ,academia. judiary, police union ,police hq and assorted motley groups of fringe politicians and vested interests have imbued in the generally compliant urban populace an endemic abhorrence of firearms and anything to do with them,like a mass administration of a psychoactive tranquilliser and mere mention of the word (generally incorrect and hysterical in MSM cases) is enough to keep that loathing festering away .
Shes a sad fact of life gents but social media and psych manipulation is rife in Nz no matter how much we try to puit across a rational coherent case for our side of the argument.