Yup, that's pretty common. Like traffic, front line Police staff are moving to jack of all trades rather than specific roles.
Now here's an observation.
Looking at it
objectively, it's unrealistic to expect such a low cost of getting/having FAL to cover any eventuality of Police work we require, for 10 years. Despite the millions of dollars paid by the 200,000+ shooters received by the Govt by us for getting/having a FAL over the last 10 years , it's pretty obvious the actual $126.50 cost doesn't cut it. Nor the extra $200 for endorsements.
Like I said, if it's looked at objectively, the actual costs simply aren't being covered by the user. I'd expect the same model applied to a raft of other activities - fishing, drivers license, etc that has Govt, or council, or Iwi input, or any group that doesn't have unlimited funds.... Does't make it right, but it is the reality of the world we live in. A look at the health system is a great way to get an understanding of just how increasing costs just aren't being covered, and the money has to come from somewhere.
User pays.
Just an observation
