Im still stunned as i type this . just took a call form a good friend of mine(beleive me they are few and far between in this age). a mob of Costers Cossacks arrived unannounced a few nights ago and cleaned him out of his entire firearms collection ammo etcetc -the whole bloody lot .rationale apparently a shitty livered ex employer who took exception to a couple of throwaway remarks and didnt have the balls to get over himself and trotted down to the local boys in blue house to complain.
he also recently got a ticket for parking on a yellow line whilst assisting a person injured inh an MVA.the blue boy issiued it cause apparently the bird who knocked this cyclist off his bike reckns the cyclist was obscured by mateybraes car FFS1Matey pointed out hed been working his ring off on the injured bnugger tillthe ambos arrifved so a little slack would be nice as a mark of appreciation ,but mr officious no luck FFS.
my suggestion is to slap this right where it belongs -right in the laps of the dollops of DNA in the debating chamber ,particularly those we know as friendlies!Ihope ginny anderson gets lit up like a jacko in the headlights .
Handle the gangs w ith kid gloves but dont hesitate to kick a decent FALO in the guts -is this the NZ our fathers fought and in some cases died for???