Anyone casting 12ga slugs that fit inside a wad, or know where I can buy 'em?
I've been shooting factory slugs out of a smoothbore 12ga but it leads up terribly, keen to try the wadded ones before I buy a mold.
Anyone casting 12ga slugs that fit inside a wad, or know where I can buy 'em?
I've been shooting factory slugs out of a smoothbore 12ga but it leads up terribly, keen to try the wadded ones before I buy a mold.
Um..... to be a little more precise, don't you mean inside a sabot? Which I think is now illegal
Nah, like those Lee key drive slugs, or Lyman giant airgun pellet slugs (I've only read about them in the forum, never seen them). Added a picture, that might make more sense!
Also, nope, they're not illegal nor are sabot shotshell rounds, can read here:
Arms (Prohibited Ammunition) Order 2019 (LI 2019/137) (as at 20 December 2019) Schedule Ammunition declared prohibited ammunition – New Zealand Legislation
Last edited by Smallfoot; 10-10-2020 at 04:14 PM. Reason: added a picture
they were for sale on trademe pretty much anytime Ive looked for last few CAN get round ball sinker of correct diameter and drop that inside you wad too...not hard to work out correct diameter...better too small than too big.
Yep, I'm keen to go the Rizla route. I didn't realise how much leading I'd get from the factory rifled slugs - I've only reloaded black shotshell before. I'm pretty keen to use a 12ga slug I can drop into normal wads, figure it's good to keep things simple (and cheap!).
On the illegal ammo thing - the order linked above banning ammo specifically exempts shotshell, sabot or otherwise :-)
Your image tickled the little gray cells and I went searching and found i had a 100 pack of Lyman 520 gr 12gauge slugs. Just like the right hand ones in your image. AS I remember they WERE illegal when the bozos were in a frenzy of law changes as they did not exclude them. SO I had put them aside.
Seems, subsequently they amended the "Law"
I could sent you some freebee slugs and sabots if you want to run trials. PM me with your address.
Thanks! I'll keep an eye out on TradeMe! I've been out goating with factory slugs a lot, good out to about 80m, but after a few shots I need to have a rod and lead brush with me or they start going all over the place. It's also a lot of fun, if expensive, ringing gongs with slugs!
These are fun on goats, go off like a crack from a rifle, good out to 100 metres...haven't made any for a while, usually make the slugs during the winter in the wood burner.
are you using rifled slugs in a rifled barrel????? because you shouldnt or will get the leading issues you talking about.... the rifled barrels are for sabotted rounds or indeed inside wadded ones...and dont bother trying birdshot or buckshot as it just makes pretty doughnut patterns ...really big doughnuts.
Never tried a rifled shotgun barrel, all smoothbore (not even pitted!), seems to happen with any factory slug - those Proshot Tornado brushes pull heaps of lead out after a handful of shots.
I kinda want to try the donut thing out of one now though... a good shot'd be a miss every time?
I know of someone who casts the lyman and lee mould ones.
I have a mould for the Lee one if that helps. It's a little rusted, and a little rough, you can have it if you do any casting.
If small footprint doesn't want the mold I'll definitly take it please.
Please, yeah, I'm keen to try one. If it doesn't work out for me I'll get hold of you @Marty Henry