In order of boot
Single Shot
SxS, O/U
Recoil auto
Gas auto
No matter what anyone tells you, a recoil operated gun can NEVER by the laws of simple physics shoot softer than a gas gun. This was discovered over 100 years ago by Hatcher and some others.
Anyway... I have a wee dislike for the 20g; with clay loads its ok.. with bird loads it kicks like 40 barstards.
Guns are usually lighter than 12g and the bird loads are basically magnums in their own right.
Mate of mine found out 1st hand when he brought a single shot 20g for his boy, then took it out himself - 'told ya so!'
I'd look at something in gas 12g, that you can use, and that they also have a youth stock avail, or you can get a cheap Hogue or something from the US and chop couple inches off.
if you want ot start them on a 410 for noise etc.. then BORROW ONE - dont buy ... you'll be pretty sick of the cost and ineffectiveness of it quickly enough