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Alpine DPT

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    FN Browning A5 shotgun stock options

    I have an early FN A5 with the straight stock and want to upgrade the stock to a synthetic model. I have just received a ramline/champion stock for it but it is for the curved pistol grip model. Waiting to here back if there is another stock option from the supplier, other wise I guess im going to have to take to this one with the dremel to make it fit. Any one been down this road?

  2. #2
    Member lophortyx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    no,but i have a straight stock A5 and yes i did buy a pistol grip stock for it,then realised the change was not straight forward.from memory there were other issues other than modifying the long trigger tang.i sold the butt stock and still have the english stocked a5. its just a safe queen these days.with semi-autos amongst others, there's a benelli ultralight or A400 as a choice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I rang the stock supplier and there isn't a aftermarket stock avail for the straight grip model. So a bit of dremel work on the stock and resin and redrill new hole at a new angle for the butt stock screw and it will be good to go. Just waiting on a new butt stock screw in 1/4 x 40 tpi.Just hope the engineer supplier can find me the correct machine screw.



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