For those interested I took on board some of the good advice I got and then decided to to do a small unscientific test hoping to change others in our group thoughts on steel or not. This is what I used and did:
Kent 32gm 3" steel bb's 97 pellet count
Falcon 36gm 3" steel o's( now 1'S) 131 pellet count
Falcon 35gm 23/4"steel 2's 149 pellet count
Falcon 40gm 23/4" lead 2's 142 pellet count
I shot these loads into new empty 60 liter oil drums at 30,35,40, 50 yards.
The 2 steel penetrated at 30 but not 35
The 2 lead penetrated at 30 but not 35
The o's steel penetrated at 30,35 but not 40
The bb's went to 45 and a couple of pellets at 50.
The falcon 40gm of lead 2's seemed to be a very common load used so I was looking for an equal. I will say the lead looked closer to penetrating at 35y compared to the steel equivalent but really not much in it. From what I can see there's no disadvantage going from 2 lead to steel. Also no advantage in going going to 3' magnums as you get pretty much the same speed and pellet load. I'll probably go for the o's(1's) but wouldn't worry if 2 steel was only available. I did ring Falcon and asked if they intended to do a 40gm 3' load of 2's, 1's or bb's. His answer was no as not a big enough market for that size. Also the powders for steel are bulkier and the pressures needed to get those loads to an acceptable speed weren't doable. The 3' doesn't have a big enough increase in volume to do that. He even said there's little point in going to 3" for anything.They are changing the 0 size to 1 as after measuring it is closer to a 2 than a bb( my observation of the pellets I looked would agree.) Even the bb load can be useful as it should have a few more pellets than the old lead bb. On a side note I did a pattern test with my 391 using the m choke and ic choke. Both threw very similar sized patterns at 35yrds with the ic slightly more open but with a far better even spread. Also found I shoot very low and to the left. If anyone has or knows where I can get the bigger drop and cast spacers I would be keen as I'm missing the set There's none in stock through beretta for a few months.