I have a pump action shotgun I have never used and noticed that there is a Shotgun shoot at my local nzda range.
Apart from loading 2 shells anyone had nay issues with them?
I have a pump action shotgun I have never used and noticed that there is a Shotgun shoot at my local nzda range.
Apart from loading 2 shells anyone had nay issues with them?
There isnt a clay target that cant be broken by a pump shotgun as long as the target is in sensible range and is presented normally and sensibly.
But you are handicapping yourself in regards to the second follow up shot if the need is there or the rules allow it .
just go for it
Only way to work around the limitation of not having a second tighter choke is to be very fast.
Allow yourself no time to hesitate.
I use the TLAR system of aiming.
TLAR = That Looks About Right.
RIP Harry F. 29/04/20
many of theearly trick shooters used a pump shotgun...with good reason...when you get used to them they are nearly as fast as a semi,and the micro pause between shots gives you time to readjust aim.... them clays break just fine n dandy.if you have only cylinder choke you will need to shoot fast,if only full choke let em get out a bit.
Nothing wrong with using a pump to start off with. If you get into it look at getting an under over. What length barrel is your pump?
I am hoping it will be a casual shoot. I should check.
True. It is just what I have and haven't really thought of getting a double barrel as to be honest I've never used the pump.
Bush goats on private land will be on the cards after the long weekend.
I don't even know if it choked. I'll have a look.
I haven't measured. It is a ranger 870. Probably the 20 inch model.
20inchyou will want a tight choke and good ear protection.
With that short a barrel you will need to really push the barrel to get it to swing.
Of my two shotguns one is 28 (my Winchester pigeon grade) this has skeet barrels both open choked.
My SO4 Beretta has 30 inch barrels with multi chokes. Not that I change them I run improved and modified. Get very good range out of this won the high tower challenge the other day with a 60 yard shot.
So you will need to keep yourself close to the target 40 would be max with clay loads.
But as said above crack on. Practice is always good.
I’ve tried a few Pumps actions back when I was a kid. But never got on with them. Might have been to do with fit as my perfect setup is a lot of castlooks like the stock has been dent right over
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
If you're looking for a little speed and efficiency, try pulling rearward gently on the pump handle as you fire.
The action will unlock after the shot and the recoil plus your rearward pull will help bring the gun out of battery, and eject the empty case swiftly.
Done right, it will mean a slightly faster 2nd shot.
RIP Harry F. 29/04/20
Give it a go, Clays are a lot of fun. Are you going to be shooting tripples (going away from you) or sporting(all sorts of freaky shit)? A short barreled shotty is really only good for slugs or 3 gun type shooting though. Try to get a 28" barrel next time as you get tighter patterns and they swing better through the target ....clays, birds and bunnies.
For some fun or practice they are absolutely fine, only downside is fast double etc but not a biggy.
I have grade 5 plugs and muffs. Which I wear all the time at the range.
I will keep the 40 metres in mind.
I have never shot it. I shot a dirty old baikal. But I missed the parries.
I will keep that in mind![]()
I have absolutely no clue.
I have no pond or bunnies so it is just a safe queen. The goats may have some trouble though![]()
DIRTY OLD BAKAIL......wash thy mouth out young man...........
for goats...see if you can find some #7 buckshot as well as the usual #00 it contains 27 x 22calibre balls Vs 9x.32cal
Very popular in the US for trap and skeet. The famous Winchester Model 12 was made in trap and skeet models. A well-practiced shooter can fire them as fast as a semi or OU. I have been a pump user since I was a teenager in the 1960's.
First shotgun I owned was a single barrel "Bakaiel" spelling might be wrong.I've had pump shot guns since mossberg,maverick,escort and now the akkar I do bloody well at the gun clubs.If my first shot doesn't break the clay second shot usually smashes the clays much to the amazement of onlookers.Go for it!
I can empty 8 shots before Jacinda interrupted in under 8 seconds with a pump gun![]()
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
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