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Thread: north islands dtl

  1. #1
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    north islands dtl

    anyone shooting it? un decided whether I bother this year as I'm flying to Brisbane for aus nationals the day after.
    it's in hut valley from the 18 th until the 20 th of January if anyone is considering going. surely some of you tough sporting shooters will come and clean up! they are only mud pies after all haha

  2. #2
    R93 is offline
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    I rather shoot actual mudpies, then eat them! Why waste any money on ammo, travel and food on an event that will be decided with one shot?.
    DTL is for regimented, mundane shooters that can whinge and cry to get a "no target" if it is .4 mm off its last line. And quite honestly for people that cant compete in sporting

    Although the likes of Des Coe and Brian Deadman along with a few others may show up to win it for shits and giggles ha ha
    Last edited by R93; 21-12-2012 at 06:38 PM.
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  3. #3
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    new I would get a bite haha.

    many would argue that sporting isn't even a discipline, there is no official guidelines on how to set targets, any target can be set which may be a strength for some shooters and weakness for others, creating many arguments, at least with dtl and skeet the is a set field no matter where you are shooting. dtl shooters are boring bastards typically however.

    anyway I couldn't give to shits about dtl or sporting, I'm a issf trench shooter , at least when you win issf world champs toy get recognized on the world stage, not just by Australia and Britain.... there is a reason why sporting isn't an Olympic or commonwealth recognized event, there is no way to set fair targets!!!

    and yes, I am shit at sporting haha

  4. #4
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    ha des won't show up, he's a bow shooter now, great all round shot tho, been to a couple of Olympics.
    Brian, he would be fishing or poaching most probably

  5. #5
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PerazziSC3 View Post
    ha des won't show up, he's a bow shooter now, great all round shot tho, been to a couple of Olympics.
    Brian, he would be fishing or poaching most probably

    I know both very well and Brian is a good mate. I havent seen him for over a year since being here working in Oz. He has won some big shoots recently including the Australian Grand prix. He shot some deer for me out of the machine but I reckon it cost me more money in fuel carting the prick around than he made me in animals Ha Ha
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  6. #6
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    haha yep he's a big ginga ! yeah I haven't seen Brian for a but he lives close so used to see him on the dtl circuit. des is a crack up fulla had a yarn with him last week.
    what's your local club anyway? where do you do your shooting?

  7. #7
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PerazziSC3 View Post
    new I would get a bite haha.

    many would argue that sporting isn't even a discipline, there is no official guidelines on how to set targets, any target can be set which may be a strength for some shooters and weakness for others, creating many arguments, at least with dtl and skeet the is a set field no matter where you are shooting. dtl shooters are boring bastards typically however.

    anyway I couldn't give to shits about dtl or sporting, I'm a issf trench shooter , at least when you win issf world champs toy get recognized on the world stage, not just by Australia and Britain.... there is a reason why sporting isn't an Olympic or commonwealth recognized event, there is no way to set fair targets!!!

    and yes, I am shit at sporting haha
    Five stand may be getting a showing in the olympics!!!!

    I dont know the name of one trench shooter? However I am sure you could pose that question on here and ask if anyone knows of a famous trench shooter then compare too how many know of Diggers and Bidwell.

    How many dedicated and accomplished sporting shooters do you know that cant compete in every other dicipline...honestly?
    You continue to hold your gun in the right spot and look at the same boring scenery all you want. I will continue to shoot a dicipline that matches and improves my enjoyment of my favorite passtime.........hunting.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  8. #8
    R93 is offline
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    I am a member of Kokatahi club. And a member of SISCSC for sporting.

    I would love to give trench a go but like everything else in clays, we dont have the facilities handy to me in the South island.
    I hope you realise I am only taking the piss mate. As long as your enjoying your shooting thats all that really matters.
    I love shooting any form of clays but prefer the social aspect of sporting.
    Last edited by R93; 21-12-2012 at 07:39 PM.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  9. #9
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    yep unfortunately nz shooters don't seem to acknowledge trench shooters. but surely you must of heard of Mitchell diamond... 2 x gold medalist from aus.

    there are that many different variations of sporting ...

    I shoot for the competition hence why I choose trench as it is most popular and most shot discipline in the WORLD. I don't see sparc handing out any funding to sporting shooters ...

    the only sporting shoots I do are duckshooters shoots, now they are fun

  10. #10
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    and yes I realise you are taking the piss haha

  11. #11
    Gone But Not Forgotten Toby's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know
    Whats trench shooting?

  12. #12
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    it's what you shoot at the Olympics and commonwealth games . there are 15 traps out in front v of you in a trench. there are 5 stations to shoot from, each station has 3 traps and you don't no which ones it coming from unless you are very clever haha

  13. #13
    Member Rich007's Avatar
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    I reckon we should try to have a forum squad/team at a shoot or two. I reckon some of you guys would be rather fun to shoot with
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  14. #14
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    yeah sounds good. we could probably scrape together a half decent squad!

  15. #15
    Member Rich007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PerazziSC3 View Post
    it's what you shoot at the Olympics and commonwealth games . there are 15 traps out in front v of you in a trench. there are 5 stations to shoot from, each station has 3 traps and you don't no which ones it coming from unless you are very clever haha
    Sounds like a bit of fun! Any set ups in the central/lower north island?
    If my work annoys me, I cull them



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