Me too😆
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I don't have enough shell space to do that. Unless I start with the first 8 on a table or whatever
Yeah and tie 1 hand behind your back to
Good stuff. Timer doesn't lie eh
@gimp, watch this guy, no dry fireing, no cant find any cartridges just pure pro.....
Shooting at rocks in a bank I believe.
That was smooth as bro! Seal team 6 worthy
That redefines smooth :thumbsup:
He kinda looks familiar too.
so smooth
There is only one way to speed load a shottie
Open class of course .............. or on the back of the truck snotting rabbits
Had a go yesty with my, new to me, versamax tactical. (Huge thanks to the forum member who gave me a great deal on it. Better condition, than I expected for the price and really well looked after)
Functioned with light loads perfectly.
I was as fast loading 2 as I was quad loading. Small hands and fumbled a lot.
Have a couple ghost caddys and they are quite stiff to remove shells smoothly.
Best time was 11.2 secs to load and fire 9 rounds and knock over 9 poppers at 20m.
Averaged around 13 secs.
Practicing today with drill rounds I couldn't get the gun loaded in under 13 secs (8+1) so I definitely need heaps of practice.
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