kia ora everyone just on here to ask about weather steel shot ammo damages your shotgun barrels as my mate and his grandfather have been saying that it does as well as one or 2 other people so just wanting to see if it is actually true or not.
kia ora everyone just on here to ask about weather steel shot ammo damages your shotgun barrels as my mate and his grandfather have been saying that it does as well as one or 2 other people so just wanting to see if it is actually true or not.
It will only damage older shotguns that are not proofed for steel shot. A way to get around this is having the chokes opened up by a gunsmith, along with the forcing cones.
Most modern shotguns can fire steel safely causing no damage whatsoever along as, a choke no tighter than modified is used, as a general rule of thumb.
If you’re shooting over water - you must use steel. That’s the first point to hold onto. ‘I did not want to damage my gun barrel’ isn't an adequate defence if you’re caught using lead when you weren’t legally allowed.
There are any number of calibres and projectiles that some will say wears, or damages your bore. We still use them, and accept that potential barrel wear simply as part of the cost of our sport.
Get your duck licence and some steel shot. Sort a pond. Get feeding out now, and have a blast!!!
i will add make sure the chamber length of the steel you use matches the gun
and if in any doubt about any part of the game consult a gunsmith
What you said about shooting over water isn't 100% true . Currently, the steel shoot rules apply only when hunting waterfowl covered by a game bird hunting licence, you can shoot lead near water when hunting upland game, for example.
There can also be other specific rules for particular public land, for example geese aren't a game bird anymore but often if you want to hunt them on DoC wetlands you need a permit and often that permit says steel only.
Steel shot is obviously harder than lead this means it cannot compress so it can damage some guns. Tight chokes, forcing cones and bores can be damaged by the shot scoring them.
Modern guns are typically made with over size bores and lengthened forcing cones to ease the transition, tight chokes will still be marked not for steel shot. The steel will probably still wear the barrel out quicker than lead but there will be damage per se.
Modern ammo is also usually loaded to higher pressure so old guns may need checking to ensure they are able to withstand it.
Hi as i understand it, at no time do the steel pallets come in contact with the barrel. More chance of the wad doing damage, ie pitting.
I have a full choke for my 870 that says it can handle steel ..?
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy decoys
Steel trap ammo is loaded to the same velocity as lead (about 1200 fps)so pressures are similar. As to wearing out the barrel that's a myth, most modern shot shells use a plastic wad that encases the shot so it doesn't contact the barrel. The exception being the "eco" or fibre wad cartridges.
Hv hunting loads do develop higher pressures and steel shot doesn't compress so suitably proofed guns with appropriate chokes are the go there.
Personally I can't see the advantage offered by a claimed 1600 fps steel game load, the shape of a pellet means it sheds supersonic speed very quickly.
If it’s an older shotgun talk to a gunsmith. My Zoli o/u can’t use steel shot, but my father did buy it when he was 21!
Old thread but this could be helpful.
In The Netherlands lead shot has been banned for more than 20 years. Most clay shooters and hunters use steel shot.
if you stick to shot sizes #3 and below and payload weight of 32grms of below you can get away with it in my experience..I will happily shoot those loads through full choked bakail and have done so for 4-5 seasons without issues. if in doubt seek gunsmiths advice. if its not a heirloom gun you can open out chokes at home reasonably easily..Ive done a few without issues and 10seasons useage prooves it must be ok.
75/15/10 black powder matters
I used to worry about this too, so I did a bit of digging. From what I’ve found, steel shot can be harsher on barrels compared to lead, especially if the barrel isn’t designed for it.
I had a few conversations with seasoned hunters who said that using steel shot in older or cheaper barrels could cause issues over time. For my own experience, I used steel shot in my modern shotgun with a specially designed barrel for it, and I haven't noticed any significant damage.