Hiya all, looking at suppressing a 410 shotgun, who's had one, had one done by ? Any info appreciated, Willy
Hiya all, looking at suppressing a 410 shotgun, who's had one, had one done by ? Any info appreciated, Willy
gunworks used to make up batches from time to time, great pest control tool -every lifestyle block needs one
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How do they attach it to the thin shotgun barrel?
I have the single shot 410 ready to suppress
Nelson Collie from status guns in invercargill made mine for my 20g. Ht shortened it and made up a new choke with enough meat to thread it. Suppressor fits on same as a rifle one. Definately needed to cut the powder back to get subsonic. Most 20g seem to be 1250 to 1450 fps but you need to be under about 1000fps. Still some testing to do on mine but kills bunnies at 40mtr.
Do the 410 shells need to be loaded softer, or does a suppressor work well enough with factory loads?
RIP Harry F. 29/04/20
The guy making them in Whangarei recommends 3" in his. We tried a few different cartridges and the 3" were quieter than the shorter ones. All factory.
Call Gunworks. Mine is done by them. Yildiz. Cracking wee gun. Love it!
Client of mine had this 410. Was pretty cool. We were shooting 10m from his kids ponys. Yea they noticed it but wernt to concerned.
He wanted it for shooting starlings out the house window
nope its the same powder and same amount...the 3" shells have larger payload and the 2 1/2" go slightly faster...which could explain noise difference.
well the loading manual from LYMAN has me believe the above when using loads to duplicate factory.
So @Gibbstl that one is from Desert Guns down south ?
Looks cool .
Yea i think so. Was pretty cool. Folded in half too. I think gunworks in Canterbury had one on the shelf too.