Through school quite a few of us had akkars, either the sporting or trap models. Difference between them being a adjustable comb on the trap model and price. The rest of the squad had second hand guns ranging from low end duck guns to perazzis. All have shot right through to nationals. As much as people like comparing guns the important thing is to find one with a good fit or modify it to do so, even if it’s just duck tape and foam on the stock to bring your cheek up. Take her to gun city or somewhere with a large selection and try lots. I would also recommend getting some good coaching as it is a sport that the slightest thing can be the difference between a good score and a crappy one. Also I would say get a under and over as it makes things so much easier on the mark.
When the time comes if your interested in a Akkar I have a sporting model for sale on here for 1100. Good luck!
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