I have the older version of the Mk 70 ( 7000 ) also had the fore runner to the Mk 10 (9000) I think that Miroku is highly underated here in NZ, sure you can have a Citori for more money but it was probably made in the Miroku factory anyways.
I have shot the M7000 for maybe 15 years, no issues, its a 20 G and that suits my main style of pheasant hunting where you need a quick pointing gun. Its been great on ducks too when i shoot opening days.
The 7 series only falls behind the 10's and such with the no frills approach ( non moveable non changable trigger shoe, no palm swell )
The 9000 I had was a beauty and went to a forum member IIRC it was mostly a sporting clays gun and too nice to bash about in the truck chasing roosters.