My Springer bitch is on heat and I have two entire males to work with for the week... should be fun. Got a minute amount of sense out of them tonight.
On facebook I prefaced it with this so you know what's going on... just a bit of fun!
So this is as much sense as I could get out of the hounds tonight with Grace being on heat. First dog came in to visit us with a delivery problem, he'd dump whatever he was carrying 5 - 10 meters away and not bring anything to hand. We got that fixed without force training, as you can see the boy is quite an athlete! Second dog is a lab which goers to his new owners this week doing a fairly basic blind retrieve... and lastly, no work just the lady causing all the issues with the boys running amok and showing she has a bit of pace!Bloody hard to handle these dogs on your own and film it on your phone, but best I have for you tonight sorry!