depends what you are in the game for, I hunt to quench a thirst for obtaining my own sustenance and for the thrill of the hunt and chase
working over a well trained dog is an art in its self
you can get all caught up in the 'respecting the pheasant' if you like but it is just a glorified turkey with pretty feathers
I havent shot one in the last two years, even tho my property holds hundreds
I keep the cats down and they breed really well, as there is a ton of food here
when they are plentiful they loose their magic, and that is the gaps between seeing them when out hunting, the wait and the anticipation
basically all my hunting was done without a dog, and shooting over a pointer was allways uninteresting as the dog removes the excitment of the flushing bird as there is a big ol mutt pointing exactly to where it is going to come out of, cue flush of bird when you are ready and waiting - bang bird falls out of sky