Thing is, I don't think I could if I tried!
Heres my reasoning. We all know of the stories of the top wild game shots in NZ, T. Zipcovich, B. Teare etc who would shoot into the triple digits on wild birds every season. Both of them had one thing going for them that most don't -
time. Being a retiree or a shift worker aids this immensely.
In the last few years, I have started keeping a diary of my shooting. Not only has it improved my hunting ten fold, but I would be able to get some pretty interesting statistics on time, success, if I added it all up (which I haven't, yet) I have always been curious of the distance I walk and time spent per rooster I shoot. Going by the same logic, lets do some simple math of a 200 (wild) bird a year shooter.
Say Joe Bloggs works a 9-5er 5 days a week, and spends his weekend shooting. In a four month season, that's say 16 weekends a year, 32 days. 200 birds divided by 32 days is 6.25 birds a day, which as we all know is breaching the Game Regulations in any region. For him to shoot a much more realistic bag (but still high, for me anyway) of say 2-3 birds a day, he would have to shoot double that amount of days. If I double that 32 days hunting to 64, which still gives me 3.125 birds a day.
So from my crude arithmetic, he needs to hunt at least 4 days a week, and shoot 3 birds every day, to do it, legally.
EL B I'm calling that your Joe Bloggs is either retired, unemployed, breaching game regs, or its BS
