So long as the person in question is compliant with the required Gamebird Regulations for the area, then all good.
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So long as the person in question is compliant with the required Gamebird Regulations for the area, then all good.
When they come down the wind fast and high like these, is say they are a challenge to shoot Munsey!
This right and left were in the UK and though I've shot hundreds, there are only a handful of birds I can truly remember that stand out.
Like this Munsey?
Pheasant time!!
Attachment 24707
My missus took afternoon off to take the mutts for a walk.
Sent me this just to wind me up. 1 Big Boy flushed on command :D
A massive can of worms here, the ethics of hunting.
Is driven shooting the same? Those guys shoot more pheasant in a weekend than what you and I do in a year. A celebration of marksmanship, nothing more?
So many interesting points in this discussion, Bill999 has some valid points. When they are rare and hard worked for, they are precious. When they are like they are here in the BOP, a brace under every bush , They do lose that value. Beautiful nonetheless, but common. The excitement they provide in sport is of more value than their presence, if that makes sense?
Which brings me to the next point, who are we to judge one mans idea of sport? He obviously derives pleasure from it, and good on him too. At least he is not breaking any laws, or taking advantage of others to do so. By you being more selective and focusing on your dogs work, are you (we?) better than him? Many people shoot pheasant with out dogs, or just a lab at heel to pull them out of thick cover or water they fall into. Are they worse than you because the dog work is poor?
If you are asking me my personal thoughts then I will answer this .I personally don't think pheasant should be hunted without a dog -I would make this law if I could .The bag limit limited to 3 within 2 days .Who are we to judge another mans sport - I would judge another mans sport hence my post -its my opinion that if one is but a butcher of birds maybe maybe we need to consider altering this sort of mindset .Kinda like drinking isnt it -enjoying a drink and getting fuck faced every time you pick up a bottle "who are we to condemn another mans drinking habits ".
Because a mans dog work is poor does that make him less -no but it depends on his mindset and intent .
this sign says alot to me .I am glad to see most are in agreement about what would be seen as poor hunting ethics
It reads " If at 50 years old you think as you did when you were 20 you have lost 30 years of your life " Muhamad Ali
He's not breaking any laws though? Just doing something you find distasteful?
I think we do have a "breaking the law" issue here! On a pheasant preserve you can shoot unlimited hens and cocks. Outside a preserve fence there are rules. No hens and a limit on cocks. Pheasants can only be controlled as pests if they are proven to be causing financial ruin to crops?? Certainly not the case here?
No one mentioned any breaches of the Game regs?
yes well we don't know anything for sure ! More to the point of this post is the point of controlling oneself and growing a good set of ethics that you can be proud of when rough shooting .There will always be those that do things differently ...
It shames me to say, but in the not too distant past (2002?) a friend and I went off Clements Mill road and shot 9 Sika in a period of 2.5 days. hinds with fawns, the lot. Why? We were early into our hunting career, and finally making sense of bush hunting Sika. It was proof of prowess, if you like. We both wore success like a badge, proudly too. Today I have trouble typing it on a public forum because I find such sheer waste embarrassing.
These days, I barely get out only few key times a year. I target stags, with more losses than wins to be honest. I turn down far, far more deer than I shoot. This draws comments from a certain group, usually people who justify the ' meat hunter' attitude in most NZ deer hunters, say you are a "roar only" hunter. They say that to try for better, to target stags is a bad thing, something only glory hunters do. What's wrong in striving for better, for more? I have certainly learned more when I stopped shooting the first deer I saw.
Your man obviously takes great lengths to shoot that many pheasants, and if he is doing it legally then there is nothing anyone can do. I'm sure he wears it like a badge also - "the justification of barbarous means by holy ends". However if you and Redhot are implying that he may have been breaking rules, i.e.. bag limits and taking hens. If he was, and you have proof, then call a ranger, there is no need for such waste.
Well said Pointer, not many would admit to what you have done in their past....respect mate, but as you went on to say, you have now 'refined' your hunting techniques, think that goes for the majority....i hope?
but then again, its not my place to put any limits, morally, ethically or otherwise onto anybodies shoulders....we hunt, therefore we are!!!!!!
until one see's a man take hens over the gun then one doesn't know .Good to see your deer ethic grew from start to now !! good on you
That's it Scouser, If he is not breaking any rules, who am I to judge?