Originally Posted by
it's your own requirement of the game bird resource, some hunters have different idea's on how it's used.
in a lot of ways I share your views, but have learnt it's no use expecting everybody to be of similar mind.
having ground with a healthy population of birds is an absolute lotto win for anyone with a pointing or flushing breed, like area's with high numbers of pigs or deer it can fast forward a young dogs development so that in a few months the dog can be working like a seasoned pro, as with any sort of hunting where dogs are concerned nothing teaches better than doing the actual work and having game found,shot or caught, personally I like a young dog to have a steady supply of kills at some stage to enforce the training put in.
I wouldn't get upset if a person was 'claiming' such a high seasonal bag, as stated it's more than likely a B/S boast, the game keeper would be dogging in a lot more if it really was the case.
in regards to ya excuse of running ya dogs in the same area as 50 other dogs how many of them are hard wired bird dogs ?
I know woodhill gets a shit loads of dog walkers too but the deer still breed and I know my own dogs would cause havoc if left to there own devices to indulge what they were bred for.