Feeding can be very contentious. I have a more relaxed view on it to most. Feed any GOOD commercial food and spend more time thinking about training. Dogs have highly advanced digestive systems. The difference between most cheap foods and more expensive ones is the level of filler that's in them. You can gauge the amount of filler just looking at how much crap the dogs produces. Mine all rarely ever crap more than once a day. On a cheap food they'll go four or more times... passing the "filler" . Buy a mid quality kibble (I use Purina Dog Chow, have for over 10 years and find it ideal) so long as they are not producing a lot of crap and are healthy that's all there is to it. THEY DO NOT NEED TO BE UNDER DIETITIAN WATCH or fed like it's a science. Just feed them well... put the time you would have spent in worrying about "perfect foods" into your training.