My dog was out there last night,just waiting for some good weather to shoot his nuts off
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
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I don't know how to start a new thread, but I have a conundrum.
I have owned and successfully hunted GWP's for many years now and have huge love and respect for their abilities and the very large quantities of meat and poultry they have allowed me to bag.
I have never used electric shocks on my dogs and do not believe in training by punishments, but by positive association. My dogs are very strong and willing hunters and setters including upland GAME, WATERFOWL, DEER AND PIGS, EVEN BUMBLEBEES in the garden.
I want to apply for certain hunting area permits but the conditions are that dogs must be certificated as having completed Kiwi aversion certification. The thought of some DoC greeny shocking my dogs is a nightmare to me. Am I wrong to worry and should I just allow my excellent and trusted dogs to undergo this treatment or not? What are the possible negative effects on hunting/ pointing, setting, retrieving and also on dog trust?
@mucko and @Twoshotkill had it done recently. Boys what say you??
I am of the opinion that my dog would be completely fucked if I did the kiwi aversion with him.
1) he would shut down, after a life of positive reinforcement he would withdraw and never work for a human ever again 2) I think it's bullshit and doesn't work - we've spent thousands of years breeding in the instinct to our dogs, they won't give a fuck about a shock last month when they looked at a frozen kiwi 3) I would hate myself for allowing, paying someone, to physically harm my animal.
My 2c! Good luck to you and your pooches.
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She loves the free fresh wind in her hair; Life without care. She's broke but it's oke; that's why the lady is a tramp.
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Ps it sounds like you've got enough places to hunt anyway if you've been doing it for years already - screw the kiwi blocks and keep doing what you're doing :-)
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She loves the free fresh wind in her hair; Life without care. She's broke but it's oke; that's why the lady is a tramp.
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
All my old spots are 1080'd to hell and gone, so I am forced to start looking at private and Maori blocks. Many DoC areas now demand Kiwi aversion certs for dogs. I don't want to hunt without them as it is total enjoyment for them as much as for me. I know my dogs won't chase a bird to bite because they road the bird and point / set and do not fetch until commanded, but try explaining that to DoC!
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
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Thats what every pig hunter tries to tell them too.
It doesn’t harm them. And the people that run the programs are usually doggy folks themselves, and not DOC “greeny” staff. My Wire has been through several times now. Only received one shock on the first bird, and hasn’t needed one since.
My certs have lapsed , but all of my dogs have been through aversion training, all have only had one shock and passed with no shock for every test after that
No cert no permit for us, never had any issues, and my current bitch is soft and timid, just let the trainer know that
You could try pull the wool and say its been done before so only a test needed and if shows no interest wont get a zap, say you lost your cert , did it up north or something
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Dog might seem Ok, but what effect on confidence of pointing birds from then on??