the numbers attending are not big, and by the time you cross off the hpr's, pointers and other setters you might see an english running........ might
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the numbers attending are not big, and by the time you cross off the hpr's, pointers and other setters you might see an english running........ might
Braced trial entries-
15 running sat am
6 red hair balls
4 Shorthairs
2 Pointers
2 Gordons
and one English setter
17 running sat pm (2 extra hairy red things)
15 sunday morning
14 in in the novice sunday pm
5 reds
3 pointers
2 shorthairs
2 vizslas
1 Gordon
1 weim
Im running mine in the novice on Sunday as we havent trained for years for trials -gotta start again
Ryen, presumably you're running......Where is everyone staying / getting on the piss Saturday night? Dave's place?
Is dave still in Ngaruawahia
Sunday -novice on the 2nd -I should be there
Have you entered?
yes , I sent fee to Francis Connor and re joined the club -- just trying to call her but she is not at home
didnt the enrties close about a month ago
yes I think that could be the problem Z - I emailed the web site and that email wasnt working or still isnt so if they had done the draw it may be why I am not showing as they included me as a late entry because I had tried through the correct system to make contact --I hope!!
Just get ahold of Frances
Im really looking forward to trialing again , please introduce yourselves to me on Sunday --my dog is INTI a blue belton
Agree, entries closed on 10th August. Get hold of Frances ASAP.