Email sent -thanks for her email as I dont have it here at work
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Email sent -thanks for her email as I dont have it here at work
a breedable bitch for starters.
for all the talk over the last few years over the lack of pointers and setters and the aging and declining numbers over all, when is some one actually going to start doing something other than talk about pedigrees and who and how it used to be, all it takes is for some one to step up and do it.
Attachment 2687
we did Kawhia, we tried twice to breed from this bitch but both times were unsuccessful, so now we are looking at other options
I think you have summed it up before, it's a matter of demand. There are bitches here, I can think of three, so no doubt the setter guys will know of more. The Aussie import Masterfind Ida, Hendrens bitch pup who is nearly all sharnberry, Blackfield kennels has one which I think is Berryfield bred, no doubt Noel Allen has one. As this is merely a passing observation no doubt there will be more.
Yep we tried two separate dogs on that bitch, none took which is a shame as she is very well bred. Just too old I guess, she cycled irregularly.
so you got hold of an old bitch bought in by some one else and expected to save the pointer and save money at the same time..........
It's a start...
No better than you hoping to make a few bucks by bringing one single bitch in
actually no, i thought i'd throw a cat among the pigeons and see what sort of reaction i would get.......... it took a few days but at least you bothered to answer.
Happy to oblige :wtfsmilie:
for the record i made some inquires weeks ago and there are suitable dogs in oz for both setters and pointers, in fact a few young pointer bitches have recently been imported. i have no intrest bringing anything over myself but the options are there for you guys.
There are, I have been in contact with 3 Aussie pointer litters. Two were out of my dogs litter brother, one of those was a father daughter mating... The Connors recent import Surefind Weka was one of those two litters, pretty sure not the father / daughter one
The use of the black bitch wasn't out of desperation, it was due to the fact she is better bred than anything currently in NZ.
what NZ lines are you thinking of Kawhia