I doubt Ruff would make such a comment without I am sure knowing it to be fact .If he has well hahaha but thats another debate ;)
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I doubt Ruff would make such a comment without I am sure knowing it to be fact .If he has well hahaha but thats another debate ;)
It's easy, dogs will always protect what they perceive are below them in the pecking order... If the "Boss" is attacked, they will often join in dethroning them. Puppies, kids, and anyone perceived as below them in the hierarchy will be well defended by them.... Leaders rarely so.
I know it sounds terribly sexists aye... it's not intended to be... because we are really talking about the dog world, not the human world.. they don;t get all bent out of shape over such things like over thinking humans do..
Females are much better nurturers than males, they are better nest builders and better at caring for young. Males are usually better protectors, and invariably have the lead role in a group situation. Dogs may be unable to perceive that in humans except, they do perceive nurturing as opposed to bossing... when they do they tend to take the lead role. There are exceptions of course, some awesome female handlers, but by and large they the exception.... it's just about identifying roles etc. You can respect one sex has better abilities at certain roles that the other does without relegating one to being less than the other.
Women, by virtue of them being nicer creatures than men, are not as adept at the leadership role. Sorry if it pisses you off... anyone... it's just the reality in my world, but I only deal with a hundred or so handlers a year, it makes it hard to get a handle on it.:pacman:.
So if you are the master of your dog and someone attacks you you think the dog would help as to dethrone its master to become the master? It does make sense in one way but also doesn't as mans best friend why would it help hurt you.
Well, there are a lot of variables... firstly... you have to believe the bullshit that says a dog is man best friend... firstly, a dog is a dog, and acts like a dog. they haven;t been exposed to the bullshit about dogs we have.... Is your dog "waiting in the wings" or just happy with a boss?
Dogs just want to please???? THEMSELVES.
It's not rocket science, we can act like dogs want to be something they are not... but they are not... they're just dogs... believe whatever works for you Bro.
I reckon Pip does what I want cause I feed her.
It is very noticable in my home that when a stranger comes into the home Jake will position himself infront of Tina.
He has done this since he was a year or perhaps even less.
He has only groweled a couple of times and that was when he was younger, however, if he is unsure, when a stranger comes in and Tina is on the couch and they are opposite her, he will park his backside into her legs and watch them.
He makes no sort of commitment like that to me when both of us are there.
And it is me who feed, runs him and hunts with him.
Think on this one... Dogs don't engage in silly sexist debates online... they are male and female and take those roles as nature dictates... you can put whatever PC slant on that you want. Males and females have different roles. And dogs don;t get bent out of shape over them.
As are all animals, just animals, we tend to think of them as humans. Our problem.
My dog eats human food therefore its human.