You are as far as I have read and spoke with a gentleman in Italy correct. I little more depth on the subject Sabine and a gentlem by the name of Mario work quite closely on the Italian Llewellins. As of recent though, they took some American Llewellin back into their stock via Lynhill Kennels. There might be an issue there though as Lynhill may have been caught up in the King English/llewellin setter debacle. Lynhill has made inroads with A Gos some years back and he imported her stock into the U.S.. he then bred to some American Llewelins and my dogs from Derry(Advie). Lynhill, Mario and Sabine to some extant are now interbreding these dogs with the pure Itallian Llewellins and the possible King English. I am not sure if they are in knnowledge of this fact and I have tried to discuss this with them, but will not oblige a conversation about this. I had attempted to contact Mario about his lines and rebreeding back to the Advie line but he had no interest. So whether that line has been tainted or not is not known for sure since they chose not to DNA match with mine.
That is how the Llewellin breeders work though, its sad really.