Bummer, yeah you need to keep a close eye on dogs that work hard since they can work themselves to death for you. Weighing them is the best way to keep track of what's going on but a bit tricky if you don't have suitable scales.
We weigh our dogs weekly
feed mine (also named Bo) on coprice, at nearly 15 he still loves it and keeps him in condition although the arthritis has set in . still at his optimum weight of 35kg though. still has jaws of steel too. although i will never forgive him for chewing thru a mountain bike!
lol well if he can't ride it he might as well chew it
One thing to look out for with older dogs is high protein since it can put a bit of a strain on their kidneys. We have moved our older dogs from working dog to blackhawk chicken and rice. 32% protein for the working dog Vs 22% with the chicken and rice. High protein and fat can cause crystals in kidneys and other gout like issues.
There seems to be a dry dog food shortage at the moment, most brands in most stores.
was in vets today and the shelves were full...black hawk,ekunuba,royal canine and a couple of others.
75/15/10 black powder matters
There must be a bit around, we ordered 60 bags of working dog and 120 turned up
They eventually clicked and the rep came out a few days later. I told her we would use it so it wasn't going back. I don't think we will run out over xmasthe dogs will chew through it eventually and I would rather have a few months ahead incase there is supply issues or the like.
@Three O'Three I see your in Huntly. Go see George at the little pet food store on the corner just up from the Mobil station. Usually shop there if I mess up delivery, nice guy, prices reasonable.
Dont see much in the way of cooked offal, mutton or possum on this thread.....
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