Not easy is it!.
About 11yrs ago wifey decided she wanted a cat and she found a ginger kitten out in Oxford so away we go...there were 2 kittens left, both ginger and both brothers...I thought to myself "here we go" and sure enough we came home with 2 kittens.
Anyhow apart from the fact that cats don't attach themselves to humans and they do what they want when they want...and the human does what the cat wants WHEN the cat wants it done - they were both bloody good cats, never up on the bench, never at your feet demanding food, hardly ever meowed. But one got a bit crook a couple of months ago and we had to let him go, his brother often sleeps right next to where we buried him, that was actually quite hard!.
BUT our dogs are a completely different level of loss so I feel your pain, my dog years ago now was a Rottweiler bitch, I got her as a pup and she died at 10yrs, I used to take her with me when knocking over wabbits or Hares and she'd often chase any and try to catch them but she never could, she was too big and boofy and it was just a game until one day I shot this hare in the wrong spot and it took off..she chased that one and brought it down, it wasn't how I would have liked to get the hare but it made her day.
I'm fairly certain Keisha died of food poisoning, i'd given her a chicken feed of sorts the night before and when I went out the next morning she was on her side awake but her breathing was erratic and she went not long after.
But most dogs are incredibly switched on as if they can read your mind by looking into your eyes, I could wind my girl up just by givng a funny look or movement and she'd instantly be alert knowing I was about to do something stupid and then the game was on lol.
Wifey & I plan on getting another dog 1 day, more than likely when the last cat goes and when we've moved to Hoki....I can't wait

Apologies for long post but my philosophy is there is always something, someone..or another furry family member around the's just how far away the corner is, it could be a week, could be a couple of months or it could be a couple of years away but the corner is there and it gets closer everyday. Good you have plenty of photos etc, I'm the same and have oodles of photo's
