@rusl When l was guiding in the US it was common for the pointers to have tail protectors on while Pheasant shooting in the corn fields, as the corn stalks would make their tails bleed . If your Vet has not informed you of tail protectors l would take that as a pretty good sign to find another ,there will be many different varieties Neoprene tail protectors were the new fad while l was there ,but if you look up the Blaze Orange ones that were used for easy sight of the dog & extremely popular it will open a worm hole of choices, from memory they were called Lewis Bright Sights ,but commonly called LBS so have a search for both .
I actually thought about trying them on my GPS /Header X as he has a crack up pointing style on Deer of raising his tail slowly like a flag pole, the closer we get to a Deer he is working ,the straighter up in the air it gets & then when he see's it or knows he is really close the tail goes like a Rattle Snake in a short little quiver & a Blaze Orange color on the tail would be easily seen in bushy gullies etc ,but as he grew out of his puppy coat he developed a bright white tip