its not the wear out factor Des just the weight . there is alot of cheap Chinese poly fluff crap and camo stuff people proudly sport either that or they dress up as ditch diggers , even the woman .i don't know what it is in NZ but low brow is in and we have no country flair for fashion at all ..The only place youll see people turn out with a bit of style is a driven shoot . .Some advice on a light tweed would be appreciated .its a shame looking good in NZ is now out of fashion . i guess its just becoming a society without identity --the best is though-my grand father left England to get away from that crap haha. As you might guess I love the Uk country clothes over what ever it is were sold here and it would be great to see more of it here to put a bit of visual pride in all aspects of the game hunting sports , particularly bird shooting sports