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Thread: Pointer and Setter Trials

  1. #16
    Member Kaimaicockher's Avatar
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    BOP.. on a hill in the kaimais
    Quote Originally Posted by gqhoon View Post
    Pointer's sentiments echo my own. It is also what I've found at Spaniel Live Game Trials. It is certainly comforting to be taken aside by one of the senior members (fellow trialist or judge) and have the layout of the day explained, what their expectations are etc, to try and make you more at ease.
    thats what they done for me also at the spaniel trails,,,,, introductions and hand shakes all round , very inviting bunch of people

  2. #17
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    haha Dougie in a Tweed Ghille suit spying mmm could work!!
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  3. #18
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaimaicockher View Post
    thats what they done for me also at the spaniel trails,,,,, introductions and hand shakes all round , very inviting bunch of people
    Been hanging round a few retriever trials lately, same there too. Friendly bunch, and as most dog men are, they are all dying to tell you about their old champ they owned years ago (they all get better by the year) or some promising young pup they are bringing on.
    I usually get the response from most of the old timers that it's great to see younger faces, most of the triallists these days are getting on

  4. #19
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    yes the faces are getting older for sure ! I am about to turn 50 -I feel so young though and it is because I compete always and am without children thank god !!

    I love the whole UK scene with its huge depth of history around the sport , the dress code that adds respect to the sport and the common camaraderie one finds in dog people .
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    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  5. #20
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    I am sure most have seen the "Hunter" gummys the poms wear -the Chinese have now knocked them off for less than a quarter of the price to buy them here in NZ -the Whare house has them under the logo MAMBO -not bad
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  6. #21
    Member upnorth uplander's Avatar
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    travelling up north for 7-8 days of trialling and only having 1-2 finds for the entire time is a complete waste of time , I would rather spend the time and money on real hunting
    Pointer likes this.

  7. #22
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    The fact they had few finds is a shame as the north is known for birds but I suspect on private land like you are able to access Z .One cannot give up though even with such let down staring you in the face -the sport must go on or we will loose enthusiast who have the balls to spend big on behalf of those that enjoy this very noble sport -I thank you big spenders
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  8. #23
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    i have enjoyed the few pointer setter trials i have been too, the fact i know most from other dog events is good as i only really go to watch the dogs run and to catch up with mates.......... do plan on attending a few more and will run a pup or two in the future.

    i really rate the live game spaniel trials, running a dog or just being the gun some great people are involved in the sport.

    for versatiles i do prefer the natural testing and non competion tests, and i would love to see them progress into a live game format similar to the spaniels.

    surprising enough the only bitch fighting and politics i have encountered was within the nzvhdta, however a few spaniel agm's appear to be a gloves off vent lol......................... i think the time is right to actually up grand a few of the trial formats.
    Pointer likes this.

  9. #24
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Kawhia , it was very nice meeting you the other day at the trial , Its good to talk to people that know there stuff.
    I hope you run a pup or two for sure, maybe Ill have one before long that Ill be running .
    Ive been out running my dog dog in the park tonight quartering and getting him steady on command -he always want to sit when I give him his "wait" command which he needs to adhere to around the traps.
    I think it will be very interesting to see how long it takes me to get him back functioning like a trial dog quartering a even pattern and being steady to shot .
    Interesting at the last trial when he pissed off up the course and didnt listen to his come whistle -the only thing that turned him was the gun -he loves the gun and ran back to see what he had missed when it went off -lil shit
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  10. #25
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    Zharn raises a good point regarding Trials grounds. Any of these dog Trials are so dependent on good quality ground with a reasonable level of game. P&S, much like NZVHDTA are more dependent on the generosity of Preserves than say Spaniels.

    The other issue is the age of many Trialists....a lot more young blood is required to support the existing foundation members.
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  11. #26
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    the level of game all round is an issue for many trials, preserves have provided a welcome level of game to hold trials, but i really feel it's a reflection of the poor handling of our wild game bird resource for it to be that way......... even finding rabbits can be hard even for spaniels.
    having a bird dog is made harder when you don't have the wild game to run them on between trials........ the two go hand in hand.

    if we are to improve the sport here we must look to the uk and take note that keepered land with released bird populations is the future.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by kawhia View Post
    the level of game all round is an issue for many trials, preserves have provided a welcome level of game to hold trials, but i really feel it's a reflection of the poor handling of our wild game bird resource for it to be that way......... even finding rabbits can be hard even for spaniels.
    having a bird dog is made harder when you don't have the wild game to run them on between trials........ the two go hand in hand.

    if we are to improve the sport here we must look to the uk and take note that keepered land with released bird populations is the future.
    Yup, I would have been fucked if I didn't have birds to run on straight off the back deck of my old place.

  13. #28
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Yes it is a on going problem that will get worse until we stop extreme leftism and get back to an agricultural utopia where people appreciate their food doesn't grow in a super market .Places with grounds are easy enough to find but it is places with grounds and live game that are hard to come by .There has been much grumbling over the years by the purist rather than the continental trialers about pigeon trials .I think many now must appreciate these trials even those whom I know are protagonist about this form of trialing must submit that at least they have a bird to point and shoot at . I think those that are very anti are not even trialing but moaning about these trials living in the past on glory they never really quite achieved
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  14. #29
    Member upnorth uplander's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=kawhia;39817]the level of game all round is an issue for many trials, preserves have provided a welcome level of game to hold trials, but i really feel it's a reflection of the poor handling of our wild game bird resource for it to be that way......... even finding rabbits can be hard even for spaniels.
    having a bird dog is made harder when you don't have the wild game to run them on between trials........ the two go hand in hand.

    if we are to improve the sport here we must look to the uk and take note that keepered land with released bird populations is the future.[/QUOTE]

    is this done on private property in the UK

  15. #30
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    I was thinking this tonight that many that have achieved highly in the P&S scene have been people who have land , have pigeons and are breeders. Others have won of course but none more so than those with the means to practice their sport after work at home !
    Pointer likes this.
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question



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