It might not be very comfortable at the Taupo trial grounds, might get some blackberry where you would prefer not too:O_O::D
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I know I shouldnt post this here and I did on another section but its got to be seen ...put some smiles on ya face
I have dogs. Just pets. I love them but they are good for bugger all.
The dog sports interest me.
My uncle had (locally) very well regarded gun dogs for fur and feather.
My father bred dogs for fur and feather also very well regarded.
You would never have seen either of them at any trial because of the pomp.
I won't use the words either of them would have used.
And its an attitude and perception that is threw out nz has been and always will be unless there is change.
I have work clothes,hunting clothes one pair of tidy jeans and one pair of dress pants for weddings and funerals, and a couple of shirts with a button front.
I could be way off but that probably typifies the outdoors kiwi bloke.
Hanging on to another countrys traditions and apparel when that very thing is what we all tried to escape(with limited success) is just plain daft!
I agree that you probably shouldn't turn up to your sports(whatever it is) in your favorite metalica t shirt you have had for 20 years(yep have one of them too) that is more holes than shirt.
If you want to grow your sport you need to encourage people get involved.
You won't do that by telling them to only turn up in some weird expensive dress wear they will be embarrassed to be seen in public with.
All that is required is.
"tidy standard of dress"
Ie clean no holes no patches and your good.
Encourage people into your sport don't turn them away like they have been doing for the last 50 years.
Without the hunters, its just an irrelevant circus, nothing more
Only one i could find..... She does tweed gooooood!!!!
Attachment 16155
hot Gibo but upnorthuplander in this might not spin my wheels the same ;)
I like how you edited to put the "not" in there!
haha I didnt have my glasses on and really Dyslexicd that one Pointer ahaha well spotted
did anyone split there sides with that Chinese driver vid or am I a sick bastard lol
What was he wearing ??
thin air at the end
What were the results from the Rotorus trials
update tonight when I get the pics off the camera
some of the guys that placed in the QC event-I think Pete got first !! excellent -I left the day before with other commitments .Fantastic ground we had to run -a little like Italy
great to see a GSP amongst the fold too
SATURDAY TRIAL - 3am start from Auckland to Rotorua to a trial ground I had yet to visit at a stunning locations on the banks of lake Aitamuri .Wow its a bloody huge bright green field -mmmm a little Italyish I thought with its short grass cover and wide open expanse -except Italy isnt vivid green like the Rua .
Two trials this weekend but I have to leave same day after this to spend time with my south American Inlaw so shit another 3-4 hour trip back after a day in the sun .
On arriving a cool wind was blowing which was a good thing for the dogs and for the judges to set a positive course to get the wind on a dogs nose .
The usual bunch of keen people arrived as from as far north as Auckland and as far south as Wellington --you couldn't call a dog trialer lazy with the lengths they go to just to run 15 minutes once or if lucky till the end .
Judges today were Linda Beck and Tony Connor .
Here are some notes I took of the judges critique -not word for word but in general
The first brace was Francis Connor with Di versus Barb Applegarth with ruby-Di had an untidy start and circled off the wind a few times but then got into her stride with some very nice ranging .Ruby got off to a good solid start with good ranging and found both birds but on both occasions started creeping in on the bird-both birds released because of that .
second brace Robyn and Stella and myself with Failte . . Stella has some lovely work out the left side but missed a few areas , great report with Robyn and had a lovely back . Failte powered off to a good start at high speed , turned off the wind a bit and then came onto a really solid point -bird released and shot fired - sadly nosiness got the better of her as she wanted to check the trap out .I might add this was only her second point on a pigeon trap and it was very impressive .Failte sent packing boohooo
third brace Robyn with Tanner and Peter with Achillies .Tanner powered off for a big strong run , worked a little far forward and favoured ore the left hand side --certainly not uncommon on this day -Tanner found both birds -first bird he took a step -second bird perfect work .Peters Acky started with a back cast -again a few did this today -he missed some of the left side and dropped some pace off on the right side as he went futher to the right side of the bank . a nice stop put on him when Tanner went on Point but not busy enough today although some good cast also were done . One does have to reflect he was up against a NZ champ so you have to be really on your game plan to look better than a dog like that
forth brace Robyn and Tonto versus Rob Meredith and his Gordon Setter Banshee.Judge comment both handlers walk a little fast .Rob had a great cast with his quick little Gordon but the work was inconsistent today .Tonto nice range and pattern -Tonto finds first Bird and is Steady .Tonto finds second bird but doesn't have the pace of of the first section -found to be a little sticky when asked to road-get there tho -shot fired steady to wing and shot.!
fifth brace Dale with Roche versus myself and Inti .This was an interesting one as the judges were bloody strict and did something I hadnt personally seen when with an opponent .Roche -wow what a speed demon is this red dog -no way my nearly 10 year old dog is going to keep up with it for all the money in the world -but Roche pushes
a little to hard forward and has Dale on the whislte a little to often dropping my dog flat on more thanone occasion thinking Im giving the get down boy command -Roche come off a long forward cast and finds the bird -point with a good back from Into shot fired but Roche is pulled due to to much opposition handler interference .Them the breaks even if you get the point !!!as I was to soon find out myself lol
Next round Robyn with Stella and myself and Inti -dogs head off with Inti having a poor cast but getting into it as time went on -Inti gets the point with a back from Stella -shot fires Inti walks 1.5metres -sloppy --dogs are off again and close by each other but Inti once again is first to the point with a nice back from Stella .Interesting as the point is just under the brow of the hill and the bird is still some way off -the wind has carried the scent a distance hard onto his nose -I road Inti and as we drop down the undulating hill and he has to re-find that scent --just as Linda Beck becomes an unbeliever and says the words lift him he snapps hard on point -shot fired nice and steady .
Now off for the dead bird which again was really was quite sloppy even tho a hand delivery was done --at this level you have to have it all together on the day and Inti didn't today and he was toast even after having both finds --thems the breaks and hats of to the judges for not letting sub standard work through .
Well in the wash up was First Robyn and Stella then Francis and Di then Robyn again ..I forgot which dog
Anyway a short cut of how it went down on the "DAY" .The following day I was not there for so Peter may shed some light on that -
Enjoy the photos and thanks to Petros for getting behind the lens also !!
Uzbeki is all smiles
Goes to show that its only a pigeon trial
on the weekend 3 dogs who are linked to forum members gained a QC at the Rotorua trials, congrats to all 3 dogs and owners, but what is a QC exactly ??
It is a lawyer thing. It means Queens Council. It does have other meanings as well like Quick Chase, Quiet Cnut etc. If El B was one of them it probably means Quality Chap (said with a poncey pommy accent while wearing tweed).
qualifying certificate means they have worked the ground to an acceptable standard and pointed a bird .Qc
cheers brian, so what are they now qualified to do
it has always been a recognition that the dog has achieved a standard -to say to the handler he is on the right track -he has control and their peers recognize this .Some people think they're doing well but have no measuring stick with a young dog to know how they are doing against other animals with little experience -the qc lets them know
from there you would just carry on for trialing --the next step is the on going training of manners around birds for the dogs and winning trials :thumbs:
IT really hasn't got much to do with the handler and the control has has over the dog.
As long as the dog does what he is suppose to do for the type of breed he is (aka what a pointing dog should do - point) then he will get a QC.
You can get a QC without having any control over a dog, dogs don't have to be steady to flush, you won't even need to recall a dog if he is quartering nicely and stays in touch with you (which has a lot to do with the rapport you have with your dog, instead the control you put on him) and finally finds the birds and produces it.
Important part is that he runs like he should, points a bird like he should and not be gun shy...
QC trials really is a test of the dog's raw qualities, rather than control which is not looked at into great detail. Control is a training issue not a breeding quality.
not that I have bothered with QCs myself but one would presume most of what you have said has something to do with early training I think -like report , pointing not running in on the bird on so forth ..... QC just recognizes theyre on track
I think Z was originally asking so what are they Qualified to do :D.......... that any dog that hasnt got one isnt doing aswell
I personally think a QC should be gained before running in Ch trials , similar to how they do things overseas.
The rule book states that the terms of engagement for the QC are: that the dog will hunt and find game as is expected of its breed, that it will set or point, that it is not gunshy, that it obtains 75 points or better in a limit trial judged by an approved judge. Blanks are fired on the pigeons being released. There is no retrieve in the QC trial.
What does a set look like? Point with all feet on the ground using nose??