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Ryen would have a better idea than I, but I think that land is possibly public? Or perhaps its private but access is relatively easy to obtain? So it sounds like it can get quite a lot of pressure which is possibly why the 'keepering' of it wasnt as successful as was hoped.
It is great land to run on though. Vastly different to anything I've ever experienced! Probably more akin to the land you're used to hunting on up north though Zharn?
I think the release program they had there didn't really pan out either. I think Waitotara grounds were public, where they were releasing them was adjoining private land and the birds didn't last long
it is hard to believe they would have even bothered with a release program on public land ????????? its open to all and rightfully so without question .
We need a central location on a large mid north Island farm where a program could evolve for the good of P&S trials .
A breeding program of scale is no mean feat -Z you know Zippys Avery was very large and has to be managed well -who would do this for a club nad what would it cost ?? Ultimately it is upto us to make contacts and get friendly interested farmers on side that have land worthy of trialing on .Even land of interest is hard to find for a trial that one could conduct this sort of program on -its not as though we have the equal of a UK moor that has low consistent cover
whos zippy
Thats why the game preserves have been handy, even if they don't really provide the right grounds. Lots of birds
what are your thoughts on tussock country as far as holding birds and as the next best thing to a moor
you took me to his house in Kerikeri
South Island quail country live game trial?
yes!! that would be the chop for sure -a distance to go but organized communally that would be a great trip --forget the pheasantless north
South Island Chukar live game trial?
PS trialing is good fun and is a good activity to keep the dogs running in the off season. It's also a good opportunity to see dogs run side by side to really judge a dogs style and ability.
That land is private. There is public access in the same area but unless you are willing to swim across the river, you can't get onto the trial grounds from the public area.
I contacted the land owner (or lessee I'm not sure to be honest) and hunted there the last friday of last season right before NIs. I'm not sure how much it's hunted but I know the spaniel guys have shooting trials there. I had a good day there.
Those were my favorite natural game grounds but there wasn't a trial there this year so I don't know what the deal is there. Since Tony moved out of the area the management is just up to Rob now last I talked to Bob about it. On a sidenote hoon, I talked to Bob about some of the versatile stuff and there may be some availability there. I'm gonna try and catch up with him this week so I'll see what I can find out.
For the versatile crowd there's some stuff in the works re:trials/training and there should be some stuff on tap in the Auckland region this summer. When official plans are made I'll put something up here. I'd really like to get some solid support behind it when the time comes to show that it's viable. The fact is versatile far outnumber the pointers and setters but are in low numbers at trials.
The number one problem facing trials, training and generally everything surrounding hunting dog stuff is availability of grounds. Natural game trials are particularly susceptible due to the requirements for wild birds. Most estates are more suited to spaniel work. I'd like to see more cutover on the schedules as that's what represents hunting situations to me but I run on what's offered and am glad for the opportunities since grounds aren't easy to come by. The success of the trials is dependent on people finding quality grounds but no one wants to volunteer areas.
Releasing birds is the only answer but it requires suitable areas to start with.
another reason to live in Aussi hundreds of acre fields with quail
Yeah but then you'd have to live in Oz
given a job i could do that
perfect huge running grounds built for Ferrari dogs
it would be hard as the terrain is for the very fit and they are not in great numbers
Would be a good test of a hunting dog
equally for people
It's gonna be pretty basic pigeon stuff to start but it's a start.
Nov 4th I believe. I'll get all the details when I head back north after the trials this weekend.
will i be able to run my pointer in these HPR trials
I don't see why not
i was wandering if it was a step to seperating the two..HPRs and P&S
ps..i will be trialling my new pointer and am keen to help out setting up HPR trials when the time comes
I see no need to separate the two.
The idea of the HPR trials is to encompass both upland bird work and retrieving and eventually allow for work on fur in an attempt to more accurately mimic hunting demands.
so we can run spaniels in them too.
If they point, sure
so it's not a hpr trial then.
why not just get a live game element going within the pointer setter format........ you already have judges that are qualified for live game spaniels in it.
i have alot of respect for your 'just do it' mentality, but charging in under the HPR flag may actually be premature at this stage.
and once again i'm not having a go at you.
Australian National Kennel Council
they call HPR's utility dogs in oz........... they also appear to have both N/A testing and trials for such dogs.
How is it not an HPR trial? Hunt, point, retrieve.
I don't see how it's premature. It's been talked about for years and nothing concrete has happened yet.
It's a very basic step at this point. Everything else is theoretical down the line. I think it's time to run an event and see who actually shows up and runs. Then we can advance the format from there as best as possible. There's no use in just talking about it or holding out for some very complicated or advanced format in which no one will run or complete. To gain momentum we need a starting point and an event with good attendance.
I just see no need to exclude pointers if they are capable of completing the work as the continentals are not excluded from PS trials if they are capable of completing the work. The setters and pointers are recognized by NAVHDA.
my take on a HPR trial is a down the line pigeon trial with a water retrieve added to it, any other ideas ???
HPR would need a tracking element also.Why not run them through GSP club?
Run with it! now matter how you start it will just develop--it dont have to be a polished diamond to start with