I guess well be one short on the Muriwai walk---
how about the trialing?I can tke you down if ur keen
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so you dont care about the breeding birds as long as you can run your dog
El B, do you not care that its breeding time
not a concern where I go,so no
you think that birds wont breed there
Ive walked there for years as have literally hundreds of beach goers--birds there every day .
One needs to be sensible,not be bound by guilt or law
Z Are you intending to trial again?
We can run on pigeons man
you wanna come cmore for a training day
we are not every day beach goers ElB, we are hunters who should be doing everything we can to help breeding upland birds, and if that means staying away from potential breeding grounds then so be it, it has nothing to do with guilt or law. Being sensible is allowing the birds to breed
nnnaaarrrh bro!!
El B ,the rest of these guys will eventually wake up and see you for the arrogant person you really are
you shouldn't say you think they're asleep- im sure they're all intelligent enough.Im arrogant tho in a good way,i do what i want
Come on guys. We're all after the same thing.
i don't think they'd let you ride you're quad at the trials either'--you'd have to actually move lol
Get well quick
Hi everyone,
South Auckland Committee would like to advise that the course for the All Breeds has had to be moved. As I am sure you are aware water courses are proving to be difficult.
It has been decided that all competitors should meet at the club and then leave in convoy to the course. It’s not far from the grounds, it will be held at Morrison Road Pukekawa.
Also a reminder if anyone would like to join us at the Cosmopolitan Club in Tuakau on the Saturday night just let me know as I would like to let them have numbers.
Look forward to seeing you all and to a fun weekend.
Eugenie Clapham
Secretary SAGDC
PO Box 65-118
Mairangi Bay
North Shore Auckland
I am hoping the north islands are blesses with bad whether tomorrow -sadly I doubt it and I will end up suffering in a pool of sweat dressed in Tweed looking the part hahaha I bought a hideous loud red tie especially for tomorrow also -I will post as I am going to film my run if not others also
Red, good god man...one should only permit muted colours when one is on the peg or trial...or at the very least a faux silk necktie depicting hunting dogs and their perferred quarry...
El B - have you considered wearing 'normal' clothing and looking like the rest of us scruffs?
Well -we had the North Islands and there was no result .Having arrived early in the morning with a very fresh air temp and some mist hanging in the field I already knew we were in for a real scorcher . Robyn Gaskin headed off a few Km away and prepared a course which she had to alter slightly due to the wind moving around a little .
I was first up and was to be the bulldozer to clear the field of what ever it had in store for us all .Often the area has many pooks and hares to get a young dog rarked up.
Robyn Gaskin gave the briefing expectations and I sent Inti on his way ..His first cast cost some points as he cast out and then did a circle in behind us to then move to quarter a little more positively. A few cast left and right and we finally got onto the bird -he was some ways from me and went to ground instead of a standing point -a little unusual for him but rock steady -bird away I shoot and he is steady enough .Off we go again and to find the dead but no luck , he showed no sign of blinking at all just didn't have the scent in his nose to stop him --end of day for us !!:oh noes:
Rob Gastra was up next with his Weimarana and he had a successful find on the first bird but again the dead took time and the judge put the clock on him which he couldn't beat -although found 5 seconds after his time was up -an unhappy man .
Gail Blankley from the GSP Club took her young bitch out and had a good find but the time it took to arrive to the bird was all to much temptation for a younger inexperienced dog -end of day for her .Dave Sheely was running one of his Irish Setters and I thought he would take this out but after a successful first bird and dead to hand retrieve it all went haywire on the final bird and after a point the dog went and had a lay down -nice time for a nap as the sun had really got some chilli in it -sadly Dave's day was to end right there also .Two others followed with no success either and that folks is how the North Islands ended with out a winner :wtfsmilie:
English Setter Inti north island champs - YouTube
6 dogs, was that it???
yes 6,probably one of the smaller turn outs.I know some competitors had bitch's in season so that swamped them and also a few had injury's.Today is another trial with a bigger field -will do a report this afternoon
After yesterday results couldn't get any worse so on arriving to the grounds I was upbeat with two opportunity to gain challenge points with the Wiatamata and South Auckland Pointer and Setter champs being held on the same day and at the same venue .
Mac MacArthur had come up from Otarahonga to judge the south Auckland part of the event and Bob Hill had flown in from Christchurch to judge Wiatamata' champ trial .
Well like yesterday the day was cloudless and again was going to disrupt to the dogs to some degree with he intense heat, and it did
Inti was once again first to run on the South Auckland course and did a good job on the first bird -and average job on the dead and also on the second bird -the heat was telling .I was hoping to stay and photograph the next competitor but half way down the course my dog turned up after leaping from the car to come and see me .This course had 8 dogs run and 6 go through .
By the time I turned up to the Wiatamata course the heat was really showing on the dogs and their ranging certainly was curtailed but also to some degree a few dogs didn't cope as well with this heat and trying to scent -good dogs went by the way side and others went on to place .
End of the day Robyn Gaskin took first place and a challenge point under Mac MacArthur and a Hungarian Vizhla placed 2nd!!
The Waitamata course saw Robyn down the leader board this time and myself Inti take first place and another challenge point .
All in all a great day spent with some fantastic people from Pointer and Setter and The Lab and Spaniel crew who had one dog on the day made a Grand Field trial champ.
How did anyone else attended think the day went
Congrats bro
cheers Z. numbers were ok at these two trials but Wish you'd come and run a pointer as there they are under represented.i be liking those south island judges also,2 challenge points from them so far:pacman:
I forgot to say the Hungerian Vizhla that came second is one of the forum members and is quite something given they are a dog that dont usually have the range and speed of the Setters -awesome work Bryan
And his forum name is....??
truth is I dont know -hopefully he mentions the trial and post a photo of his dog
He has a good photo up on facebook.
I think if more versatile s ran we could see more win
Hungarian Vizsla owned by Bryan Wood alias Hollow. It was a great day. BUt real hot. Ninja - the dog also achieved his QC. So I'm stoked.
See that a certain tweed wearing man is blocking me out of the photos.. or my oversized hat.. Thanks for the commentary..
Great effort and lets hope your have many more placings --blocking you out with the hat , no way itd be my big ego doing that:thumbsup:
Go the Vizslas:thumbsup: Well done Bryan.