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Thread: Trial Reports.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Northern Ireland

    Trial Reports.

    For some years now I have been writing reports on the trials I attend. Not all of them but the majority. The main aim is to give a bit of publicity to the successful dogs and handlers.
    I'll give you the recent ones in full as they come off the press but this is a link to a page on my blog and you can look back at the old ones should you see fit.

    Trial Reports | Glencuan Pointers
    Last edited by des oneile; 23-08-2013 at 10:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Northern Ireland

    Donegal F.T.A. – Open – Pointer & Setter Friday 16th August 2013.

    The Donegal Field Trial Association held an Open Stake for Any Variety Setter and Pointers on the moors near Scotstown on Friday 16th August 2013. The trial was run under Irish Kennel Club Field Trial Rules and Regulations and the judges were Paddy Peoples and Andy Law.
    Technically it rained most of the morning. Anybody with a coat on would hardly have noticed it but those like me, folically challenged, would have been aware of the almost constant spots of rain. By the afternoon it was a beautiful bright day. The breeze was constant in both direction and strength.
    Results :-
    1st F.T.Ch. Creg Rena Joan McGillycuddy’s Red Setter bitch. Graded Excellent.
    2nd Ballyellan Cara Bill Connolly’s English Setter bitch. Graded Excellent.(Handler Gerald Devine)
    3rd Mountbay Dan Fr. Seamus O’Neill’s Red Setter dog. Graded Very Good.

    Basso was first up. He was running against Mark Adams Irish setter and the setter just about shaded it as he didn’t stop for water whereas Basso did. That said both dogs gave it a real good go. Basso lines were marginally the neater but both dogs quartered with pace and style.
    His next round was even better against Joe Dobbins English setter. Both dogs ran at great pace but this time Basso’s lines were demonstrably better than the other dog’s. The setter did have a point on a lark and Basso backed, an Irish back in that he came alongside but didn’t pass, just, the other dog. I got the impression that one judge was reasonably happy with this while the other wasn’t but I wasn’t called to run with the bye dog.
    Alex started off well in good ground but seemed to lose interest. In Basso’s run he had come off a low ridge at pace to land about ten feet away. Alex, faced with a slightly lower ridge had to more or less stop and walk down it. Later on I see he is lame. I didn’t expect and didn’t get another run. Even if he appears sound tomorrow I will rest him up as he is in the reserves on Sunday. I’ll run Van in his place tomorrow.
    I took Buck with me in the afternoon and he got a fair bit of off lead running, teckel style. He was very tired when I got home having been on the hill two days in a row. Just what he needed.

    This was an Irish trial run under the Irish Ethos as much as Field Trial Regulations. Toe polishers need not apply. If I remember correctly, Alex excepted, all the dogs ran and even he was ok for a while. It’s one thing to have dogs that can run but as is almost always the case some ran to greater effect than others. I really enjoyed Basso’s first run with Mark Adam’s setter. As is also almost always the case a greater supply of birds would have been nice as there were dogs deserving of a find but those that featured in the awards did work in proportion to their grading.

    To give you an idea of the ground covered the pedometer of one of the judge read either 10.1 or 10.6 miles at the end of the day. A half a mile only means where you would expect to collapse changes. If you were out running in the first eight brace and made the second round you would have walked almost the same distance, as I did.
    I really enjoyed the day and would have loved a crack at a bird but that’s Irish field trialling.

  3. #3
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    Northern Ireland

    The Northern Ireland Pointer Club – Open – Pointer & Setter Saturday 17th August 2013

    The Northern Ireland Pointer Club held an Open Stake for Any variety Setter & Pointers under Kennel Club Rules and Field Trial Regulations. The venue was The Brunt Beat at Glenwherry with the kind permission of The Irish Conservation Project and the local landowners. The Judges were Carol Calvert and John Murray.
    The breeze peaked at 12.7 mph, it was raining at the start but by the end it was a perfect sunny afternoon and a representative temperature would be 13º.
    1st Gortinreagh Dixie Gerald Devine’s English Setter dog.
    2nd Koram Kaiser James Coyle’s Pointer dog.
    3rd Glendrisock Brita Dr. Stephen Clarke’s Red Setter bitch.
    4th Oksby Basso Des O’Neile’s Pointer dog.

    His run was in two parts. He was with me the first time I let him off and he made several relatively, for him, flat cuts before our brace mate chased a hare. Did I actually see Van ignore a hare or did he just not see it. He certainly could have smelt it. Anyway he was relatively easily picked up.
    His second run was where it all went wrong and not helped by circumstances. ( Yes these are excuses!) The cover was in sort of parallel blocks that were just too deep. Van ran the gaps and this all contributed to the bite being too big. I didn’t expect another run but he pleased me none the less.
    His first round was as good as it gets. At least one person said that it was maybe the best they had ever seen any of my dogs run. (They maybe never saw Jump or Judy on The Liffey Head or Bold on Trantlemore.) It wasn’t The Best Ever but it was up there. It is one thing to get an almost ideal set up but it is another to make use of it. This was a rectangular bit of ground with a fence to the right and a road on the left. I’m not good at distances. Maybe two hundred and fifty yards wide and with the wind blowing right down the middle. ALL Basso had to do was bounce off the fence and the road like a pinball. ALL! I thought he did it really well. He was running against Craigrua Kansas, what had been my Red and white setter. They both were up for it and I thought that Basso was just that bit neater and shaded it.
    His second round was just coming off the top of The Brunt. He was running nicely again and heading right he pointed. I worked him forward but could produce nothing. We were cast on again and on more or less the same line, but a bit further forward, he pointed again. That’s the way I remember it. ( Somebody said today they thought he had two non productives! If he did I can’t remember the second one but then I am 62 y/o) A single cock was produced and he was steady to the shot.

    There were four dogs still standing with game at the end of the trial. It is fair to say that one, two or three would have been a meaningful result as it would have left Basso qualified for Open Stakes next year in England and I suppose I would have broken your arm for any sort of place before the event but fourth is the one place I didn’t see myself in.

    This is without a doubt the premier grouse trial ground in Ireland. We had everything just right once the weather relented. It was also very good the way we came upon grouse in better numbers towards the end as it meant the dogs that had run the best got the opportunities. Good quality dogs in a well organised and well judged event. What more could you want?

  4. #4
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Thank you for the report and great to see my young bitches breeder Gerald Devine with his dog being placed 1st !!
    phillipgr likes this.
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Northern Ireland

    Irish Pointer Club – Open – Confined- Sunday 18th August 2013

    The Irish Pointer Club held an Open Confined Stake for Pointers under Irish Kennel Club rules and regulations on the East Liffey Head ground in The Wicklow Mountains on Sunday 18th August 2013. Judges for the day were Ned Flannelly and Anthony Mulhall. There was a steady breeze from more or less the West and while it threatened rain most of the morning other than a heavy shower around 11:00 that was all it came to and by the afternoon it was bright and sunny.

    A sign of the times I suppose but there were only seventeen dogs on the card.
    1st Oksby Basso Des O’Neile’s Pointer dog. Imp. Denmark. By Toften’s Chris x Oksby Blanka. Bred by Liz Skov. Graded Excellent.

    Bit of a disappointment. He sort of ran when his turn came. Alex is the sort of dog you want to leave alone so he can get on with it. Our brace mate was a relatively inexperienced dog and she ran on him a couple of times and that was it. He didn’t really want to compete, he quartered behind me and never really got going. He got another run later on “for the beer money” and in fact ran much better and even more strangely he nearly ran better in the heavier ground. Strange dog! Who knows exactly what is in that huge space between Alex’s ears. He’s an easy dog to work with but complex in another ways.
    Yeh Basso!
    I was running with my fifth decade apprentice Jimmy Dalton. We had an uneven beat in that it was maybe fifty yards to the left and as far as you want to the right. Add in a cheek wind just for fun. Both dogs were shaping up quite nicely, working the wind rather than the ground. The reason we were short on the left was a long cutting, maybe twenty feet deep and as wide. Jimmy nor I wanted to attempt it and the dogs didn’t fancy it either but eventually Jimmy’s dog spotted a jumpable spot and that was it. Gone! Not coming back either, well not in time any way. Luckily Basso was looking the other way at the time so we were safe and asked to wait around.
    I was called in to run with another dog later on. What faced us was some nice flat ground but then another cutting, this time across the beat. This one was only maybe five feet deep in places. The sides were more or less vertical but in places you could walk down a nice soft slope. It took maybe three good cuts to get us to the cutting. Both dogs hell for leather. Basso the flatter and wider. The cast before the cutting Basso went left. Way left. Coming back from this cut he had gone maybe fifty yards right when he headed toward the cutting and pointed in the longer heather round the cutting, but not actually in it. I was watching Basso. Exactly what the other dog did I can’t really say but I claimed. I asked Basso to work down into the cutting and he stopped. Asking him to move again he started to relocate to the right. The judge then dropped a bomb shell. “Either produce another bird or work back to the covey.” What covey? Nine birds, which I hadn’t seen had been produced by Basso. He didn’t produce another bird but, thankfully, he went left and right to the spot where the covey had flushed and cleared his ground. (Always trust your dog!)
    The second round was another good gallop in slightly longer heather. Just where you could have expected more birds but none were home.

    I never doubted Basso’s capabilities for a minute but whether we were ever going to get his account opened was another thing. For those who believe in Sod’s Law, that he got his first two awards less than twenty four hours apart should be no surprise.
    “Win at all costs” has never been a motto of mine. I have always wanted to do it my way and this was my way. A flat quartering dog going like the clappers, wide like the clappers, and taking his birds with relative ease. He got his birds only because he did the ground work right and it was nice that in his summing up Ned mentioned that Basso did both sides right from the get go.

    That’s three days competition in a row and both man and dog were very tired. We reckon we walked over ten miles on Friday alone and Basso had at least two runs in each of the three events. I had to drink three cans of Red Bull to get home in one piece and Basso was also very tired. I put a Tuffie on the passenger seat and he slept the hundred and a half miles home virtually never lifting his head, even when we arrived. I did my best to have him ready and he repaid me in full. Well done Wee Man!
    Last edited by des oneile; 23-08-2013 at 10:39 AM.

  6. #6
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    Great result for Basso, Des. Great reading...you'll need a bucket of Silvo to keep those trophies gleaming!!!
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    Thank you for the report and great to see my young bitches breeder Gerald Devine with his dog being placed 1st !!
    How's she doing El b? Have you run her much this season?
    Yeah nah bro

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt.

  8. #8
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    every weekend -its a bummer the light disappears so early in winter otherwise i would be going something everyday
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  9. #9
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Pointer and Setter dog trials this weekend in Ngaruawahia near Auckland if anyone would like to attend to see what its all about or meet other dog handlers .I am running my new pup for the first time -not expecting to much as she hasnt had pigeons before -at least there is no retrieve in novice as she hasn't done a thing in that area . I better get onto it or even better should send her to send her to Ruff to sort it lol
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  10. #10
    Member Petros_mk's Avatar
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    The reward is more satisfying when you've done the work El B? isn't it?

  11. #11
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    yes it reminds me of a Frank Sinatra number or was that Sid Vicious "I did it my wayyyyyyyyyy"always more pleasing . I hope they clap me like the video

    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  12. #12
    Member Ruff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    should send her to send her to Ruff to sort it lol
    Didn't realise you are that rich!

  13. #13
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    god im dyslexic
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  14. #14
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    and im in winning form -was meant to be at the trial today but thought it was only a Sunday trial ....what a winner eh
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  15. #15
    Member upnorth uplander's Avatar
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    FFS Brian , how long have the brace trials run for and you now forget they are held over 2 days.



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