just home from the vets -have let my loyal and faithful companion of 10yrs free to roam in the wide blue yonder.
Itype this through tears ,but laughs as well as i remember the antics he got up to!ne'er a trip to bottle store to fil la jar without JJ wanting to take a seat in the truck.big bastard would do everything short of going in an getting the beer.this last week though he went down ,but a shadow of himself.spent a couple of days with GSP Follower where alas we had to put his dog down too,as he was very unpredictable-bloody tough on his lordship but with typical stoicism he did what had to be done.however we will go forth with many a fond memory. BTW-JJ you old bastard i hope wherever you are you pick up shot ducks and dont do what you did to me-"bugger you you shot the bloody thing -you carry it
REST IN PEACE till we meet again!