the vet trips arent good but him coolin down is
i had a big tri coloured beardie huntaway bill who was the boss of my team and he was a bit the same but never to kids or woman.
probably could smell the testosterone a? but when he jumped a fence one time and got caught in the top barbwire his attitude changed. He loved the vet he loved my sidekick who helped me get him out did i mention he was a big bastard.
throwing my swannee over his biting end and lifting him while the helper untangled his back leg was a fuckin nightmare id not wish to repeat.
fortunitly no lasting damage except he got a bit stand offish with me for a while somehow figuring it was my fault i guess.
he was the only dog ive ever seen physiclly drop a running 3 year old bull or bullock on his own. But when he killed one [2 year old bull] while we were trying to make some extra dough out of catching wild cattle that really took the biscuit.he grabbed it by the nose as it bolted back for the heavy stuff its head went left and its body carried on straight, arse over bollocks,snap broken neck.
tasted alright tho which surprised me after how het up it got.bill certainly ate his share.![]()