Love the pic of pooch with the ol bucket head and swandri. The 'look' from him says it all. Classic.
On the behavioural thing, i'm surprised it hasnt been mentioned by someone yet, but is there any chance the dog was abused before you got it? Or traumatised in some way while still at previous owners place in a way this it associates humans with 'bad' things happening? There are unfortunately still some people out there who think that beating the shit out of their dogs is an acceptable 'training' method, which from a young age may create problems like what you are having with your dog.
Seems the logical reason to me. Or maybe he got a complex because he was the runt, strange humans turned up and studied him then took his siblings all away? Maybe like the last kid left at the orphanage....?
I don't know what the solution is, but i guess time and getting him accustomed to other people and dogs, who will be kind to him, and eventually he will hopefully realise that all humans are not bastards that want to hurt him. Kind of like trying to heal abused kids i guess..... Some make it through the other side ok, some don't. I have a Vizsla that was VERY timid when i got her, as a re-home at 2.5 years. Was very cautious of other people and dogs. Still has a bit of a gay bark when startled though. But now she is always keen to meet new people and other dogs and see if she can add them to her fan-club list.she is just over 10 yrs now. Has been a real character of a dog to have around, but then most vizslas are like that. Almost half-human in some ways......