My six year old dog Tui was run over and killed in front of me on June 24th. I cried at least once every day for the first week. Every day I have walked out and stood by her grave in the garden. Hard to take when they are good mates
Shit man that is a real bummer
I almost had something similar when the old boy in my avatar was a few months old. I went around to a friends house and let him out of the footpath side of the car, and he ran around the car out onto the road. Saw the car coming and managed to run out into the middle and stop him just in time. The dozy driver didn't even seem to see him from about 50m away ( at 50km/h) and only slowed down when I ran toward her car.
They live short enough as it is without them being taken early.
I still can't watch dog shows on TV since I lost my old boy a couple of months ago.
So sorry for your loss Moa Hunter
Ran my Jack Russel over one day, you couldn't talk to me I was so upset. After a week the daughter said Dad lets go fishing. As we were fishing she said time for another dog dad, so we got another breed this one is low shedding. Tilly is my avatar and she has taken the place in my heart that was occupied by Poppy. My dogs are with me pretty much 24/7, dont know what I will do when Jazz goes, shes an unbelievable dog going 10.5 yrs.
"ars longa, vita brevis"
Had to put my loyal lab cross Ruger down 2 days ago. After a very short and aggressive battle with lymphoma.
We've decided to cremate him and put some ashes into a solid bronze mould of his paws to put on the wall. Not cheap but I couldn't put a price on the love he gave me over the years.
Duurty .30cal
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity"
Sigmund Freud
Sorry to here about your dog but loved what you done with the ashes
Always buried mine where we were living when they departed. That was their home that they knew, feel that's where they were happy. An odd one is in the bush if that was where their life ended.
Sorry to hear of your loss Trig. He looks like the type of dog who would be very tuned into your mood and needs.
Great choice on his ashes.
I managed to put a paw print of my old boy and girl into the concrete of my carport I built, while they were both still with me. Just an impulsive move at the time but glad I did now
All of mine are buried in the dunes at Otamarakau. It's a special place for both myself and the dogs. It's the first place I ever saw a pointing dog in action. It's also the training ground that every dog of mine is started on. No matter where life takes me, I can return to that spot and remember them. Last year I imported a bitch from Denmark, pregant to a Norwegian sire. A pup was born stillborn in her litter. I buried her with my dogs, just closer to the shore. That way she could travel home to her tipuna if she chose to.