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Thread: Barking Complaint

  1. #16
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    Hopefully he will grow out of it. He knows now that people come home again, just a matter of time.
    My neighbour 2 doors down did the same thing, rang the council instead of talking to us. Like you I was very concerned, then found out the feckn old prick (neighbour) used to pop his head over the fence to see what she was up to and provoke her more. She was only a few months old then but grew out of it. Dog Ranger was good and shrugged it off when he seen her and said he really only came to check her rego.
    Hope it all works out ok for ya.

  2. #17
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
    Hopefully he will grow out of it. He knows now that people come home again, just a matter of time.
    My neighbour 2 doors down did the same thing, rang the council instead of talking to us. Like you I was very concerned, then found out the feckn old prick (neighbour) used to pop his head over the fence to see what she was up to and provoke her more. She was only a few months old then but grew out of it. Dog Ranger was good and shrugged it off when he seen her and said he really only came to check her rego.
    Hope it all works out ok for ya.
    Cheers mate. The day he was supposed to have been bad there was a lot going on building wise at a new house close by. The complainant did stick their mellon over the back fence according to the dog ranger and neighbour who seen him.

    We are pretty sure we know who it is and they live a couple hundred yards away over our back fence which is a huge vacant paddock.

    But if the barking was enough to annoy him then he must have been bad for our immediate neighbours.

    I agree with you that he will grow out of it but I don't want him being a bother in the meantime.
    Some people can be absolute cunts when frustrated and do stupid things.

    The paddock behind our place is used by lots of local kids to ride midget motorbikes etc and one day had glass and nails spread all over the place. Stupid and gutless.
    Only one person has complained about the motorbike noise repeatedly.
    So yeah, I have a bit invested in this dog and he is doing well in every other aspect.
    I don't want him hurt or killed by some frustrated wanker because he barks.

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  3. #18
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    The barstard can be with barking dogs and cunty neighbors is that even when the problem is gone the fuckers keep complaining just to try and get rid of the dog.
    I had an arshole neighbor and that is being kind who used to complain about our dogs barking when we were not home and neither were the dogs!, got a call about our dogs and I said well he must have fucken good hearing then cos me and my dogs are in Greymouth this week so go shoot any dogs on my property please.
    No problem with dog control after that....neighbor was still a cunt tho.

    The Wifes dog did bark/yip for a while when she first moved in with me, she tried bark collar....didnt really work, gateing the place off and giving him the run of the yard did tho and also getting another dog. Then he was good as gold.
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  4. #19
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    He knows the noise of her car and the garage door and starts up then as well.
    She and the kids are too soft on him and let him out as soon as they are home.
    Yep. Make sure he is never let out when noisy. Make a point of everyone hanging around the kennels with him in it. People nearby doesn't mean instant release from kennel, not does barking. Wait until he is in a calm state, even sleeping before you release him. And even then, don't just go whip the door open and wind him up with lots of pats. Make him sit, and be steady to you opening the door and released on command. Not only is it a good opportunity for enforcing steadiness in your dog but also teaching him early that compliance with your commands is the only route to accessing his drive.
    veitnamcam, R93, Munsey and 3 others like this.

  5. #20
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    Yep. Make sure he is never let out when noisy. Make a point of everyone hanging around the kennels with him in it. People nearby doesn't mean instant release from kennel, not does barking. Wait until he is in a calm state, even sleeping before you release him. And even then, don't just go whip the door open and wind him up with lots of pats. Make him sit, and be steady to you opening the door and released on command. Not only is it a good opportunity for enforcing steadiness in your dog but also teaching him early that compliance with your commands is the only route to accessing his drive.
    Cheers for the advice pointer. I will do that from now on. Makes perfect sense.

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  6. #21
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Had the same problem with the two Great Danes we have. The neighbour was good about it though and came and talked to us about it. In our instance it was a combination of boredom (even though they had each other for company) and being able to see too much (they had the run of the whole property). Limiting their field of view had a very positive impact and reduced the amount of barking.
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  7. #22
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    been on both sides of this fence...... boredom caused our issues along with digging of holes, a run out along country road did wonders for both the dogs and my overgrown puku.
    now we have neighbour (and yes I ve spoken to him and phoned and txted and left nice notes in letterbox) who has two labs that just will not shut up,they can start at 8am and still be going at 8pm.....it drives us nuts as its 2 or 3 barks every 5 minutes all friggin day.....im lonely,someone pay me some attention
    if thats not bad enough any noise from our side of the fence sets them off with aggro barking
    and sometimes we KNOW neighbour is home...just cant be fagged sticking head out door and telling dogs to shut up
    if ours bark we out door with alkathene pipe to administer quick whack on bum or garden hose get turned on and dog chased into kennel with it,we know ours dont bark when we not home as Mrs works 100yards away from here.
    one tip I can give that has worked for us in the past......your wash house taps will fit nylex gardena fittings....put sprinkler outside kennel in place that water spray will reach run but not inside sleeping area and run hose back into house through window...if dog barks/howls at the moon just sneak down the corridor and turn on the tap for a wee minute or two.

    good luck its great to know you care enough to ask for help.
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  8. #23
    Member wsm junkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    The barstard can be with barking dogs and cunty neighbors is that even when the problem is gone the fuckers keep complaining just to try and get rid of the dog.
    I had an arshole neighbor and that is being kind who used to complain about our dogs barking when we were not home and neither were the dogs!, got a call about our dogs and I said well he must have fucken good hearing then cos me and my dogs are in Greymouth this week so go shoot any dogs on my property please.
    No problem with dog control after that....neighbor was still a cunt tho.

    The Wifes dog did bark/yip for a while when she first moved in with me, she tried bark collar....didnt really work, gateing the place off and giving him the run of the yard did tho and also getting another dog. Then he was good as gold.
    Yep, neighbors can be f#%kwits! One of mine complained of my GSP barking and when dog control come to see me I asked him how the F@#k can that be possible, he's been dead for 2 weeks and showed him his grave!!!
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  9. #24
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wsm junkie View Post
    Yep, neighbors can be f#%kwits! One of mine complained of my GSP barking and when dog control come to see me I asked him how the F@#k can that be possible, he's been dead for 2 weeks and showed him his grave!!!
    Cant like that
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  10. #25
    OCD Gravity Test Specialist kiwi39's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    Citronella bark collar
    Plus one.

    We've never had to use one but we did use a few drops of citronella in a water spray bottle as a deterrent against casual barking and it worked a treat.

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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonecrusher View Post
    Attachment 76174

    Only permanent solution lesson be learned buy something more pliable

    That is the perfect shape for you to shove somewhere with relative ease... )-:<
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  12. #27
    R93 is offline
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    Wife just had a message from dog ranger to ring them back as soon as she could even if after hours as there was another complaint.
    She did as soon as she got home and got abused by different ranger that rang for ringing after hours.

    Told her we are not responsible to have a dog as he is just a pup and we leave him alone all day.
    People have a right to complain. Yada Yada.

    Wouldn't let her get a word in edgeways and threatened all kinds of things if we don't sort it out.

    She's freaking out and kids are upset so she has decided to take time off work till I get home.

    Fair to say I am past boiling over right now.

    I will be paying that particular dog ranger a visit when I get home.

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  13. #28
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Hope you find a solution soon mate this can do your head in in a towny setting.
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  14. #29
    R93 is offline
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    Yeah thanks mate. I would move back to the farm or Haast in a heartbeat. I am not a fan of living near town at all.

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  15. #30
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    @R93 I have read most of the posts on here and you have some pretty good feed back.

    Was just wondering if the kennel is dark? We have a blanket that is draped over ours.

    This gives the kennel a more cave like homely feel for the occupant.

    Barking dogs area funny old thing in a resent study they found that even if you had two dogs one might bark and the other would be fine. (Age dose not seem to matter).

    Its a stress thing, but if you can stop it now before it gets to ingrained it will help.

    Maybe leave a radio on not loud but just as background noise? This may also help.

    What happens to your dog when you leave it alone | Daily Mail Online

    Have a read through some of this it also may be of some help in putting your finger on the problem.

    Good luck


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